Herd Master
That goat is vaping.....
During the third reconciliation of the last of the Meketrex Supplicants they chose a new form for him... that of a Giant Sloar! Many Shubs and and Zulls knew what it was to be roasted in the depths of the Sloar that day I can tell you.Great pic of a smokin' goat! Kinda reminds of or makes me think of the satanic renditions of the old goat from hell... Bophomet?
These girls are so cuddly and loving, one likes to pull my hair, another likes my shirt buttons. We rub noses with each other....its goat love Bay.....and mine aren't looking to escape, just to play , eat and have my attention. But I haven't named any one of them DINNER..... hummmm perhaps your sheep know something, after all they do talk when your not around....and rumors do spread among the herd