Yes you really have to get that dealt with. Been suffering way too long and rather than getting better it is getting worse! Do you have someone to take you to the doctor appointments? You shouldn't be driving in your current condition.
You aren't whining, you are overwhelmed and afraid. I think most of us would be, I would for sure. I hope once the proper doctor gets a look at you, a repair will be found soon.
Not to be an alarmist, but if ya can, ya may want to take your BP....something like that....when it affects one side of the brain can be the signs of the onset of a stroke or heart attack....neither are anything to be taken lightly and well worth getting checked out sooner rather than later....
Saying a few prayers as this is not normal and I think the previous dr was remiss..... plus it should have been addressed in a day or 2 when you were not seeing any relief. Even if it means a short hospital stay, it definitely needs to be taken care of NOW!!