A few photos I took yesterday. we are at the stage with the baby bunnies that is the most fun to take photos of LOL. Eyes are opening and they are starting to explore everything.
We had quite the mother's day surprise yesterday with a litter of frenchies that were over due by 6 days... Usually if the babies are more than 3 days over they will not be alive upon arrival... BUT somehow... I went outside and found she had moved ALL over her nest material from her nest box and build a nest with hair and all in the back corner of her cage . I had a flashlight and looked and looked and looked for babies that would have fallen out of the cage or wiggled out and came up empty handed. THEN I saw them! something moved IN the nest box. The cold, empty nest box. Yep. she made the nest on the other side of the cage and still had them in the nest box. One was dead, she didn't clean the sac off its head, one was almost dead and one was almost almost dead. I scooped up the frozen babies and brought them into the house with me. Warmed them up as the one was squealing, they do that when they are dying along with a big, purple, swollen tongue. Usually it is extremely difficult to get them back after that so when he quit squealing I figured he was gone. Lifted up the blanket and to my surprise, he was alive and well! Due to our temps that dropped below freezing I opted to bring mom in and hold her on her back to let them nurse last night and today and will continue to do so until it warms back up again. As of when I left for work today they were both doing well. .
The freakiest thing is that they have full control of their necks and legs as well as the fur already coming in. The same as what a 4-5 day old kit would have.... It REALLY freaks me out
As of late this has been my morning and night routine. But because of it, babies are growing and still healthy. Momma is just confused about what to do yet. VERY thankful for my emergency nest I had on hand from a mom who pulls too much fur!