Baby bunny emergency...


Ridin' The Range
Jun 19, 2011
Reaction score
Yeah, Fostering is a really awesome way to save a litter of kits, it is working better than I even expected. Having all my doe's kindle around the same date was a god send. :) The one I was worried about is doing better in the nest with the younger bunnies, but he still seems really tiny next to them even though he is technically older. He looks more like a little baby mouse than a bunny, I'm starting to wonder if he is a dwarf or something. :hu His sibling is now twice his size and quickly catching up to the older kits. :) Which is wonderful but it still makes me wonder what could be going on. His dad was a smaller rabbit, and his dad's dad was a smallish rabbit too, so I'm trying to figure out if he is just having a hard time or if it is genetics. :/