Hi everyone. I have a baby goat that is 2 weeks old, from what I was told she was one of triplets and mom died 24 hours after delivering. Since then, the little one has been supplemented with manna pro brand kid milk replacer, she is being fed 3 ounces every 4 hours but not through the night. She has not had normal stools since I've had her. She is supposed to be a alpine/nubian cross and weighs 4.7 pounds. Her stool is always loose but recently has become watery diarrhea, looks to be green. She is doing okay, good appetite but I'm trying to stay on top of her electrolyte loss. She had a fecal done and they said they didn't see anything. She is also getting kaolin a few times a day, usually 3 mls. I have been told to give her cows milk from the store but then also told not to switch her feed because it will make it worse. She also has access to coastal hay. I'm not sure what else to do for her scours, but it seems to be getting worse.