Banding Cats?


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Dec 8, 2010
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ThreeBoysChicks said:
BrownSheep said:
600 wow. At most our vet charges 50 apiece most of the time it is just thirty
Yeah, I know. Our regular vet wanted to give them a bunch of shots and do blood work and monitoring during the surgery, included overnight for boy and two overnights for the girl. It gets excessive.
My vet has those options for those that choose to use them, heart monitoring, intensive care afterwards, breathing tube etc etc etc.

But he'll also do neutering when he goes on a farm call, while he is at the farm. We've made surgical tables from bales of hay, and done it out in the sunshine. Catch the cat, give him a lil shot of "happy juice", in 15 minutes he is out, do the surgery.......done deal. 10 bucks. Of course, its a little more involved with females.

A couple years ago, I assisted him with a neuter-a-thon. One farm had 15 young tom cats. They were all caught, locked up in a feed room. I'd catch one, he'd stick it while I was catching another, when it was out he cut it........while I was carrying him another knocked out tom. Assembly line neutering. We finished up the last one just as the first one was waking up. The whole thing cost the owner about 75$ discount lol.

We also gelded two horses that day. Not a good day to be a male on the farm.

All the critters did great, and were less stressful by staying home for the whole procedure.


Loving the herd life
Apr 24, 2011
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Central Ohio
Our vet charges 115.00 for neuter, 135.00 for spay.

Thank goodness we have a local clinic once a month that does it for 40 and 45 plus $10.00 for the mandatory rabies.

It's still hard to put 50.00 into a barn cat that may disapear in a day or two.

Good luck with your little freeloader. :)


Loving the herd life
Mar 5, 2012
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Southern California
Around here ANY vet will do a rabies shot for $10 bucks. You can get a 7-in-1 cat vaccine for about 6 bucks from the feed store, and you can go to a low cost neuter clinic and have him neutered for about $25 bucks.

Barn cat or not this is the MINIMUM amount of investment I would put into any animal that I decided to keep under my care.


Just born
Apr 9, 2024
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I just
A younger male cat has showed up at my house. Hes super friendly and has been hanging around for months.
The SO is not a fan because of "spraying". So far I have not seen or smelt his spray.

Judging by his body size and his testicular size Id say hes about a year old. I dont mind taking him up to the Tractor Supply to get a $25 rabies shot but all the vets around here want to charge BIG BUCKS because in order for something to come into their clinic they need all the shots under the sun.

This will just be a "barn cat" so I dont really want to dump a bunch of money into him for him to just leave one day..

He jumped up in my lap today and turned on his tummy wanting a run. A thought popped into my head. I noticed I can pull his manhood far enough away to put a band around both of them.
I have done this to goats and have never had a problem.

I came inside to google and a lot of people think its just so cruel to do it to anything living and criminal charges should be filed against people who band any kind of animal :rolleyes:
But Ive read people who have had great success with it.

Anyone here tried it??
I just banded one about an hour and a half ago and he’s already back to normal it works great you just have to be careful when you put the band on and you use small hair tie bands and wrap them as tight as you can


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
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Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Banding can catch the urethra or some part of the "peeing" part..... and it can cause some major pain, and can kill them... cutting with their head in a "boot" or something like that is much better... several of my dairy farmers have done the males over the years...

This is an OLD THREAD.... but I went through Angels of Assisi... through our local animal rescue... $100 cash, spay and rabies... took her to office, the Angel transport van picks them up, takes to the vet...there were at least 15-20 cats and dogs that day... they do this once a month.... brings them all back about 8-10 hours later... very nice people, and everything went well... If the male becomes a problem with spraying down the road, he will get done too. But have lots of stray males coming here and she was in heat about 2 weeks before the spay so worked out good. The regular vet wanted 225, plus office visit, plus rabies, plus follow up.... would have been about 300... for a mostly "barn cat" although she is more of an "in and out" house/farm cat... but is a great hunter... mice, rats, moles.... hope they both stay around away from the road... he is too lazy to go very far... but she was too much temptation for local males and I did not want them around here...

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