Herd Master
My condolences on losing your dad. You and your mom have sure been through a lot this year
Congrats on the new place and your mom winning the makeover contest.

My wife was layed off from her normal jobI guess that it has been about forever ago that I last checked in with y'all. Just a quick note to sayand that things are still jumping around here. I had 10 kids born this year, 6 bucks, 4 does and lost my first goat, a 2 yr old wether to the cold
. I also sold my first goats this summer a buckling and his wether brother
I was layed off from my "normal" job in November and it was a good thing. I now have another job working for a local farmer. He runs a farmers market in the summer, with a summer camp and also a Preschool in the winter. I and my mother have been contracted to develop a preschool level animal hubsbantry crricuilim and to mange his animals over all. He is focused more on growing and selling produce and just doesn't have the time or the kowledge for animals. For now we will be working with goats (his mini-nubian and Nigerian are here now spending time with one of my bucks) a couple of sheep wethers and we will be getting chickens and rabbits. So I will be picking brains on here when it comes to the sheep and rabbits. Can't wait to get read up on all the journals on here talk to ya all soon.