Granny had twins last night. A ram lamb and a ewe lamb. The ram lamb has one brown spot on a hind leg.
The ewe lamb is white.
Granny seems to be suffering from SMS, Stupid Mother Syndrome, as if she has one lamb, she is happy while the other lamb bleats pitiously.
I couldn’t get her to follow me while I held her babies down low. I went and got feed and Greedy Granny quickly abandoned the screaming brats for a luxurious repast at the Hotel Sheep Momma and Spa. Sorry Granny, Babies come too, it’s part of the deal.
A soft rain is falling but I have to go to churching 15 minutes. I gobbled down 2 scrambled eggs, the last of coffee and a quick shower.
After church I can put a couple of half hog panels in the pen and shelter to coop Granny up with her lambs. If I have to, I’ll tie her up during the day like I had to do early this spring with another SMS ewe.
Granny has to learn to count, at least to 2. Come on, how hard can that be? She has 4 feet!