Mini Horses
Herd Master
Did Bennett & Peggy leave "farming" altogether -- or have a few acres for more farm fun, downsized?
5 acres, going to let the people they bought it from cut it for hay. It joins their land and it was a hayfield. The house was his mother’s and she passed away. Then Peggy and Bennett bought it. No farming.Did Bennett & Peggy leave "farming" altogether -- or have a few acres for more farm fun, downsized?
They are talking about a cruise. Neither one has been on the ocean and both are scared of boats and airplanes. I’m going to sit back and see if they actually get on a cruise ship.I think Peggy wanted to travel, didn't she?
My sister and her dh do river cruises.If they are not comfortable with a cruise at first, have them look into bus trips wth a guide. Some of those are very nice. "Road's Scholar" is one company. They go places with a guide that knows all the history of wherever they are going. Visit museums etc. with time to doyour own thing. Luggage, hotels, all handled by the company. As a starter trip they could think about that instead of a cruise. Although we loooove cruising.