Baymule’s Journal


Herd Master
May 9, 2017
Reaction score
Kenai Peninsula, Alaska
We are home, Cooper is home.

@Mike CHS said Cooper was scared of people, he’d run away. So he put Cooper and Pete in the pen at the shop and fed them. I went in the pen with animal crackers and Cooper took them from me. He was at ease with me. That made Mike smile.

We stopped for fuel and I went to check on Cooper. He was on the opposite side of the trailer and not even an animal cracker could lure him over, so I walked around to his side. He took the cracker. Today we stopped for fuel and he walked to my side of the trailer for an animal cracker. I think he likes me. LOL

He is in a small night pen now. Tomorrow I’ll give him Dessa, my non pregnant concubine ewe. They will have a small area, but it has plenty of forage. I can use my Premiere1 electric netting for the backyard too.

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@Ridgetop and her husband had a great time and thoroughly enjoyed meeting and visiting Mike and Teresa.
Great looking beast.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
@Baymule ; is @Ridgetop still there at your place or son's place or are they gone to their place and then to a wedding???? I sorta lost track.
Any progress on the bathroom? HOT WATER YET ??????

How is the job going for DS?

I'll bet you are tired... get some rest from all the driving.... so you will bounce back faster from the replacement...


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
@Baymule ; is @Ridgetop still there at your place or son's place or are they gone to their place and then to a wedding???? I sorta lost track.
Any progress on the bathroom? HOT WATER YET ??????

How is the job going for DS?

I'll bet you are tired... get some rest from all the driving.... so you will bounce back faster from the replacement...

They are still here. Their RV is at son’s house. We went there today for showers, no hot water yet. Last I heard, they ordered the part. I cooked spaghetti tonight for supper, @Ridgetop boiled water in the tea kettle to wash the dishes.

I got enough of the hall way bathroom done that Chris could set the toilet the afternoon of the same night @Ridgetop and DH got here. That was close but I made it happen!

The wedding will be another trip, I think March or April.

We leave early in the morning for Leander, 3 1/2 hour drive, to see Eric, the Anatolian guru. They are going to introduce me and recommend me for a future puppy. LOL. Lunch, visit, then come back.

What day are we on? What day is this?? Oh, it’s Sunday! Tomorrow is going to Eric’s, so that puts us on Tuesday. Ok, Tuesday they hook up their RV and go to the KOA near their place. I’ll go spend the night, got pre surgery appointments in Tyler on Wednesday, starting at 7:30 AM. Thursday or Friday I got to meet electrician at sons house to finish up.

Thursday or Friday a friend from Lindale is coming to pick up 4 rolls of chain link fence son wants to get rid of. Then I kinda think I got nothing going on. I’ll go take suitcase to rehab, firm up everything there and try to not do a whole lot.

This evening we caught Dessa, the unpregnant ewe that is almost 2 years old, and put her with Cooper. We got her out of the ewe pen and she laid down. I got the truck. 3 cripples dragging/carrying/pushing her just wasn’t going to happen. We picked her up and rolled her in the truck, unloaded her at Cooper’s pen. HE was happy, SHE wasn’t. We sat on the tailgate to watch the sheep porn, but she didn’t cooperate.

&Ridgetop says HI!!!


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Cooper news…….
Today I put up a tarp to keep afternoon sun off Cooper. I thought a flapping tarp, banging staples with a hammer might upset him, but it didn’t.


I let him out in the bigger part of his pen, there is plenty of grass and forage.


He wasn’t one bit scared of @Ridgetop and her DH when we pushed Dessa in there with him.

Look Cooper! We come bearing you a GIFT! Yup, if you want to make friends with a ram, toss a ewe in with him! He didn’t have much to say to his 2 new friends, but he appreciated his gift.

Mike CHS

Herd Master
Mar 18, 2013
Reaction score
Southern Middle TN
I always walked among the ewes when he was with them and he never reacted at all so he was never possessive of his girls. It looks like you have him figured out but there was never much doubt about that you would. :) We have a bit of a challenge since the ram we are getting has not been handled for most of his life and he is 250 lbs plus. :)


Herd Master
Jan 13, 2010
Reaction score
Southern Washington State
I have a funny for you all. I had a dream this morning about sheep. I was at an event, went to the ladies room and found two sheep in there along with their handler. I was speaking with the handler and found out that sheep are good pack animals. She said that everyone used to use mules and horses, but they found out that sheep are good at trail rides and packing tons of stuff.

Yet in real life, you couldn't get that ewe in with Cooper cus "she didn't want to go".

What was up with my dream??? hahahaha!