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- #131
Herd Master
I drove the car home. DS followed me all the way to Tyler. I got home, turned it off and it started right back up. Went out about 30 minutes later and started it. It sounded like a chainsaw, cut it off fast. I think I'm coming due for a new or new to me car. Car note! 
I'm getting real tired of broke down car/truck crap. I'll fix the car, drive it while the truck gets it's oil leak fixed 

Then I'm seriously considering selling the car and putting the money back until I get moved and can go get another car. I need something with beyond awesome gas milage. It will be 30+ miles to anywhere in any direction for anything beyond an over priced gas station in a crossroads "town".
Anybody got any suggestions for a great gas milage car that is not priced at I-need-to-go-get-a-job-prices? LOL
I'm going to Fort Worth this morning to have Christmas with some friends, about a 2 hour drive. Practically all the way on I-20. I hate I-20. It's a wrecking yard on steroids at 80 MPH, plumb full of idiots. Oh, make that 90 MPH--the idiots. Yesterday on I-45 I was driving 80 MPH, (in a 65 MPH zone) with DS behind me and people were passing us! Fortunately, I could get off the madness that is interstate highway driving, at Huntsville and get on a normal highway. I can take highway 80 to Terrell, then get on I-20, it is a slower route, but not nearly as crazy. Did I mention that I hate Interstate driving?

Then I'm seriously considering selling the car and putting the money back until I get moved and can go get another car. I need something with beyond awesome gas milage. It will be 30+ miles to anywhere in any direction for anything beyond an over priced gas station in a crossroads "town".
Anybody got any suggestions for a great gas milage car that is not priced at I-need-to-go-get-a-job-prices? LOL
I'm going to Fort Worth this morning to have Christmas with some friends, about a 2 hour drive. Practically all the way on I-20. I hate I-20. It's a wrecking yard on steroids at 80 MPH, plumb full of idiots. Oh, make that 90 MPH--the idiots. Yesterday on I-45 I was driving 80 MPH, (in a 65 MPH zone) with DS behind me and people were passing us! Fortunately, I could get off the madness that is interstate highway driving, at Huntsville and get on a normal highway. I can take highway 80 to Terrell, then get on I-20, it is a slower route, but not nearly as crazy. Did I mention that I hate Interstate driving?