Baymule’s Journal


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Easier to move if you only have 1 pot and 2 changes of clothes!

I dread the day we move out of this place. We have SO much stuff, much of it used not much if at all.
Don’t move. Stay there until you go to a nursing home or die. Then your kids have to deal with it. BWA HA HA HA!!!!!

The unpacking is tough!

So before long, you'll be doing it ALL AGAIN! 😲🤷😢🙄🤣

I’ll do a @farmerjan move. A little at a time. LOL I’ll go through things and get rid of what doesn’t fit or what I don’t want. I’ll move my most favorite stuff, then my next most favorite stuff, what’s left won’t be my favorite stuff. But of course EVERYTHING outside that’s farm related is ALL MY FAVORITE STUFF!


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Gee Trip, don’t let me DISTURB you as I step over you with boxes in my arms!


Oops! The slamming door woke him up. He wanted in the house. I went and got more boxes to take to the truck.




Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Son came in Friday night. Saturday (yesterday) morning we went to Commerce, 1 1/2 hours away. We got the 3 small animal huts, $450 for all 3. They won’t be big enough for all the sheep, but will be perfect for weaning lambs, separating ram from ewe lambs, and a ram shelter. This saves me a ton of time and will be easy to move. Cow panel pen and a hut, it works for me.

It snowed all the way from Commerce to Elkhart, then changed to drizzle. At Elkhart we stopped at the Stockman Cafe in the Anderson County Stock Exchange and had lunch/early supper.

We got to Groveton and unloaded. I put a load of my dirty clothes in the washer, then dryer, then we left. Went to borrow a trailer to haul my 9 big rolls of hay and four 40’ power poles. Then back to house to get my clothes. I was about of the long sleeve T-shirts I wear.

Then back to Lindale, got back at 9:30 last night. I’m on my first cup of coffee, son is snoring in recliner. I put a pillow against the wall, sitting on air mattress. All the air went to the other end of the mattress, giving me the feeling of sitting in a bucket. Oh well, won’t be long now.

I loaded the cab of my truck Friday, got a pallet, roll of wire and step on posts for the hot wire to build backyard fence for Trip and Carson.

@Ridgetop and her DH are here, taking care of things at their ranch. They will come tomorrow-Monday-to help me load the last of the things out of the house and as much as stuff in the big portable building that we can get in @lstewart86’s cargo trailer. We’ll load up my stock trailer too. Tuesday we’ll pull out for Groveton to go unload.

My daughter is coming Tuesday and has some things to do, she will spend night at a friends. Wednesday we close. I’m pushing hard to get everything out of house so I can hand them the key. I’ll still have outside things, but I really want them to have their key to their new farm. Yalll cross your fingers! I’m sure with @Ridgetop and her DH’s help, we can pull this off.

Then to Groveton Thursday through Sunday to build backyard fence for Trip and Carson and cowpanel pens for sheep. The ewes main flock will get a cow panel hoop hut on 4x4 skids with a tarp top, easy for future moving. I’m hoping we can come back on Monday to get sheep and dogs. Son and I discussed moving Ringo and his girls with the Anatolians first. Spend the night, spend time with Anatolians to let them know this is home now. Then back next day for Carson, Trip and main flock, ewes with lambs. I’m afraid of lambs getting trampled if we pack all the sheep in one load. DS also suggested we put the camper shell on my truck and put the dogs in it. Sheba is scared to ride in a car or truck, she pees and poops in fear, kinda unpleasant to ride a 3 hour trip with that.

Then I can make day trips to get the rest of my stuff. We’ll build fence across the back and front, attach wire to bottom of fence on one side. Morons put up field fence, but it’s a foot and a half off the ground. The back fence will get a cow panel gate, easy to detach one end if we just have to get to the very back. The front fence can have a 16’ gate so we can get trailers in and out. Hope Tolies don’t develop a taste for trailer wire. Son has 3 trailers, I have 2. Son has 2 tractors, I have 1. That 2 acres is filling up fast. LOL

So that’s my plans for the next two weeks. @Ridgetop and her DH will stay in the Groveton house, plenty of beds. No need for a hotel that’s 30 miles away. LOL plus we will have FUN!!