Baymule’s Journal


True BYH Addict
Golden Herd Member
Sep 20, 2024
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Eastern NC
A neighbor replaced my porch light for me. I told him I’d give him a chicken. He was not impressed, didn’t want a chicken. LOL I assured him it would be dead, cut up and ready to cook. Oh, ok!

He came over yesterday and I gave him his chicken. He said his 92 year old mom never ate chicken, but liked fried chicken livers. So I’m gonna take her 2 packages of livers, 14 ounces each. I like them too, and fried gizzards. I got plenty more chickens. LOL
Barter! Love it.


Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
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I miss having home grown chicken. But I can’t process anymore. I struggle trying to get the rabbits done. TheMan doesn’t help and there’s no one else around available.
My friend in S Carolina would advertise teaching people to do it. She would limit to 12 people and charge $25 each. Each would do 2 chickens to feel competent. Some would do more. So each time she would make $300 plus have minimum 24 chickens processed for her for free. Something you might think about, especially these days. I bet you’d have a lot of takers!


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
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East Texas
My sheep moving didn’t go as planned. I wanted 2 ewe lambs from the front field. To do that, I have to pen the flock, roll out wire from driveway gate to the pen gate. I put feed in the working chute. I use gates to block off driveway and run them across the driveway to the chute.

I opened the pen gate, ewes charged across the driveway. I had to chase the lambs across, but some of them turned around and ran back. So I latched a piece of wire across my makeshift craptastic mess and ran to shut the pen gate on the lambs. Naturally the two I wanted were in the group that ran back. Bad words…… Ewes ate all the feed and were yelling. I looked up and they were yelling at the pen gate, they had trampled down my crappy wire that didn’t work so good to hold them. Pandemonium ensued. Ewes upset, lambs upset, me mad, everybody screaming. I opened gate to the pen, ewes charged in, ran to feed tubs. Screaming, they ran back, but I shut pen gate on last stragglers as first run back got to gate. Stoopid sheep.

I don’t do so well on block and flying tackle. So I got a fish net. I don’t run so great either, but I surprised myself. About 20 trips around the pen, through the hoop shelter, reverse, run back the other way and many failed attempts to fish net a lamb, I finally snagged one. Rinse repeat, chase, swipe with fish net, miss, nearly get trampled by stampeding idiots, they scream, I scream, we all scream for ice cream! But it’s all mine, sheep don’t get none. Stupid sheep. I snagged the other one.

So now I have 9 lambs, 3 grown ewes, in pens where with a simple trick of dragging some wire around and clipping it to equally sloppy wire, I can get them run into the chute to be loaded in the trailer. Chase is coming over this evening to help me load them.

I dragged out my air compressor, moved truck, and came in for a glass of water. I’ll go check tires, hitch trailer, check tires and make sure all are properly inflated. Water break is over. Going back outside!


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Sheep are loaded. Chase backed up trailer close to chute, I had hog panels to span the gap. We tied hog panels on both sides of trailer to the chute. Since trailer is up off the ground, I fill the gap with 3 feed sacks stuffed with other feed sacks, or else lambs will just run under the trailer and hitchhike to another town, never to be heard from again. He had to grab lambs, I manned the middle gate and he stuffed them in the front. One ewe jumped in by herself. The other 2 were jerks, it took both of us to load them. But they are loaded, parked in shade and I’ll pull out early in the morning. Going to Emory, will meet up with Ridgetop.

Chase borrowed my flatbed, but I’m gonna give him a chicken, cut up and vacuum sealed. I got plenty of them.


Herd Master
May 9, 2017
Reaction score
Kenai Peninsula, Alaska
Sheep are loaded. Chase backed up trailer close to chute, I had hog panels to span the gap. We tied hog panels on both sides of trailer to the chute. Since trailer is up off the ground, I fill the gap with 3 feed sacks stuffed with other feed sacks, or else lambs will just run under the trailer and hitchhike to another town, never to be heard from again. He had to grab lambs, I manned the middle gate and he stuffed them in the front. One ewe jumped in by herself. The other 2 were jerks, it took both of us to load them. But they are loaded, parked in shade and I’ll pull out early in the morning. Going to Emory, will meet up with Ridgetop.

Chase borrowed my flatbed, but I’m gonna give him a chicken, cut up and vacuum sealed. I got plenty of them.
Are your sheep acting like goats???

I thought sheep were EASY to fence and herd!

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