Baymule’s Journal


True BYH Addict
Golden Herd Member
Sep 20, 2024
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Eastern NC
My sheep moving didn’t go as planned. I wanted 2 ewe lambs from the front field. To do that, I have to pen the flock, roll out wire from driveway gate to the pen gate. I put feed in the working chute. I use gates to block off driveway and run them across the driveway to the chute.

I opened the pen gate, ewes charged across the driveway. I had to chase the lambs across, but some of them turned around and ran back. So I latched a piece of wire across my makeshift craptastic mess and ran to shut the pen gate on the lambs. Naturally the two I wanted were in the group that ran back. Bad words…… Ewes ate all the feed and were yelling. I looked up and they were yelling at the pen gate, they had trampled down my crappy wire that didn’t work so good to hold them. Pandemonium ensued. Ewes upset, lambs upset, me mad, everybody screaming. I opened gate to the pen, ewes charged in, ran to feed tubs. Screaming, they ran back, but I shut pen gate on last stragglers as first run back got to gate. Stoopid sheep.

I don’t do so well on block and flying tackle. So I got a fish net. I don’t run so great either, but I surprised myself. About 20 trips around the pen, through the hoop shelter, reverse, run back the other way and many failed attempts to fish net a lamb, I finally snagged one. Rinse repeat, chase, swipe with fish net, miss, nearly get trampled by stampeding idiots, they scream, I scream, we all scream for ice cream! But it’s all mine, sheep don’t get none. Stupid sheep. I snagged the other one.
I'm dying here! :gig :gig :gig :gig :gig


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I left this morning at 4:50. Got to auction at 7:43, got in line to checkin. Guess who pulled up right behind me? @Ridgetop called and said, “Is that you in the grey truck and red trailer?” 😃😃😃

They got checked in and backed up to unload. I got out of my truck and “let” Mr. Ridgetop back my truck up to unload. He could do it faster and better than I could!

We had a good breakfast, visited and had a good time. The auction was entertaining, we laughed at the 2 men working the ring. Lots of goats and sheep, running every which way. Bidding was fast. Ridgetop and I both recognized our sheep when run through the ring. I guess that’s being a good shepherd. In all the melee of opening the gates, slamming gates, sheep in, sheep out, we each knew which ones were ours.

Itty bitty tiny baby goats, women were buying them, taking possession of them right then and there. Auctioneer asked, “You wanna hold him?” And they did.

On the way home, I had a chemical reaction, my face tingled and my tongue felt like needles were sticking in it. I turned off the AC, fumes from the truck were coming in the cab. I pulled off on the side of the road outside of Athens, and did a walk around. There was blowback of either diesel or oil on my trailer. Probably diesel since I reacted to the fumes. Great. Hour and a half and 100 miles to home. Engine wasn’t hot, oil pressure was good, fuel gauge was dropping, so I got back in, put windows down, and put it on the road to home, watching gauges all the way.



I was thinking a fuel line leak. I had one before, it was spewing diesel, worse than this.

Inside of trailer was nasty messy after 12 sheep spending the night in it. I was concerned about making it home, didn’t want to stop. But as I got into Crockett, I saw a car wash and pulled in. Left truck running, 3 dollars and 25 cents later, the inside was clean. Took it on home.

I talked to my son. The plan is, next weekend my sister in law and I will load it on son’s gooseneck trailer and take it to hers and son’s favorite Ford certified, retired, has his own shop, guy In Madisonville. Honest, does good work.

Wah! I just got my hot little hands on the sheep check! The truck is gonna eat it, possibly more. Phooey.

I was outside doing chores this evening when a neighbor came up, introduced his stepdad. His stepdad wanted to see the sheep. Neighbor Rob mouthed dementia at me, I understood. I took them in one of the sheep pens, took a chair for Fred to sit in, and Cooper came up to be petted, which Fred was delighted to do. Cooper mugs for attention and never gets enough. Fred had a wonderful time, asked me to get married a dozen times. I hope by tomorrow he doesn’t remember that. LOL

It’s been a fun day.


True BYH Addict
Golden Herd Member
Sep 20, 2024
Reaction score
Eastern NC
I left this morning at 4:50. Got to auction at 7:43, got in line to checkin. Guess who pulled up right behind me? @Ridgetop called and said, “Is that you in the grey truck and red trailer?” 😃😃😃

They got checked in and backed up to unload. I got out of my truck and “let” Mr. Ridgetop back my truck up to unload. He could do it faster and better than I could!

We had a good breakfast, visited and had a good time. The auction was entertaining, we laughed at the 2 men working the ring. Lots of goats and sheep, running every which way. Bidding was fast. Ridgetop and I both recognized our sheep when run through the ring. I guess that’s being a good shepherd. In all the melee of opening the gates, slamming gates, sheep in, sheep out, we each knew which ones were ours.

Itty bitty tiny baby goats, women were buying them, taking possession of them right then and there. Auctioneer asked, “You wanna hold him?” And they did.

On the way home, I had a chemical reaction, my face tingled and my tongue felt like needles were sticking in it. I turned off the AC, fumes from the truck were coming in the cab. I pulled off on the side of the road outside of Athens, and did a walk around. There was blowback of either diesel or oil on my trailer. Probably diesel since I reacted to the fumes. Great. Hour and a half and 100 miles to home. Engine wasn’t hot, oil pressure was good, fuel gauge was dropping, so I got back in, put windows down, and put it on the road to home, watching gauges all the way.

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I was thinking a fuel line leak. I had one before, it was spewing diesel, worse than this.

Inside of trailer was nasty messy after 12 sheep spending the night in it. I was concerned about making it home, didn’t want to stop. But as I got into Crockett, I saw a car wash and pulled in. Left truck running, 3 dollars and 25 cents later, the inside was clean. Took it on home.

I talked to my son. The plan is, next weekend my sister in law and I will load it on son’s gooseneck trailer and take it to hers and son’s favorite Ford certified, retired, has his own shop, guy In Madisonville. Honest, does good work.

Wah! I just got my hot little hands on the sheep check! The truck is gonna eat it, possibly more. Phooey.

I was outside doing chores this evening when a neighbor came up, introduced his stepdad. His stepdad wanted to see the sheep. Neighbor Rob mouthed dementia at me, I understood. I took them in one of the sheep pens, took a chair for Fred to sit in, and Cooper came up to be petted, which Fred was delighted to do. Cooper mugs for attention and never gets enough. Fred had a wonderful time, asked me to get married a dozen times. I hope by tomorrow he doesn’t remember that. LOL

It’s been a fun day.
God bless you for your kindness.

And He got you home safely.

A friend of ours went to visit his mother, who was in a nursing home. She had dementia. She kept telling him how handsome he was, did he have a girlfriend? She was hitting on her own son!


True BYH Addict
Nov 20, 2016
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North central Ohio
My grandpa would tell stories when he was in the nursing home and he would grin and wink at the end. One story he told of how he got in a fight and held a guy against a wood stove and burned him. This happened in a logging camp in WV cutting timbers for the mines. We went to his best friend and asked him if the story was true and he said he was there and remembered it and gave more details. You never know what they will say


Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
Reaction score
My mom made herself an appointment with her 36 yo Dr, who was married with 3 kids, before we took her license away. When he came in the room, she said
Mom-“Yes!Yes! Yes, I will marry you!”
This was before she threw him over for Max the millionaire who was coming in his stretch limo to take her to Bermuda. 😬
My kids used to think it was funny until I told them it’s genetic 😂 ( that was when they liked me enough to think they would take care of me in my old age. That ship has sailed…)

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