Baymule’s Journal


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Amazing what a tiny little lamb can do to lift one’s spirits.



Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
It’s been a day. The storm blew the lift up top on the chicken tractor off. Hail and rain beat those poor chickens literally to death. 12 dead chickens, the rest wet, sad looking and worse for wear. Water, poop soup, a couple inches deep, it was a nasty mess. Poor chickens. I took out the dead chickens and moved chicken tractor. I put pine shavings in it, fed and watered them.

Sheep. Eve’s wether lamb, 2 1/2 weeks old was dead in their shelter. I’m thinking maybe he was hit by hail, ram in there and died. Or maybe the lightning strikes scared him to death. Whatever, he was dead.

Other animals were ok.

My sister called. Apple Springs, 9 miles away, made the Houston news last night. Baseball sized hail!

I looked at the car and truck. Car is fine. Truck hood has paint knocked off in circles, no dents. Will call insurance in the morning.

I got extension ladder and climbed up on the roof. It’s covered in strike marks. Will call insurance company in the morning.

I processed the chickens, skinned, gutted and clean. Put them in ziplock bags, in the freezer. Dog meat. Why waste it? I raised those chickens and fed them well. Dogs can eat them. Not exactly what I planned, but better than dumping them in a hole.

Carried off chicken guts to dumpster. Coming down driveway, Sentry had something at the fence. Another mean snapping turtle! I wonder if it’s the same one? I hauled it 10 miles away. Hope it gets crushed by an 18 wheeler.

Chores. Came in for a much needed shower. Oops. I forgot Dandelion. I put her in the dog crate while I showered. She took 4 ounces and is now cuddled in my lap asleep.

I feel like I’ve been beat with a stick. :(
Oh no Bay. That was one hell of a storm. So sorry for you. Hugs.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I was more upset over the lamb and chickens than I am over the roof and truck. Yes, the lamb had been weathered for a future slaughter date. Yes those are meat chickens. I’m very careful when I slaughter chickens and do it in the most humane manner possible. Getting beat to death by hail isn’t very humane. And the lamb, I don’t know if he died of fear or got hit by hail, ran to momma in the shelter and died.

I’ll get the truck painted and a new roof. They are not living creatures and can be repaired.

Ok, on to happier things. I got some heavy things moved today. Chris and his brother moved it for me. Now I have a bunch of stuff to sort through and put away. I’m gonna be busy for awhile.