Baymule’s Journal


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Always something to do on a farm. I’m building Trip and Carson a new pen. They aren’t going to like it but I’m beyond caring. Right now they have access to a back room addition that was done wrong and the roof joinery leaks. Mr Trip has taken it upon himself to pee on the concrete and my gas grill. I mop, Clorox and clean the concrete. It stinks, they stink, I cannot take another couple of months of this! Trip has literally pissed me off. I have to come up with a shelter for them.

Blue Sky

Herd Master
Jul 3, 2015
Reaction score
You have my sympathy. I was on the Coffee thread grumbling about our Sellers leave-timeline. I deleted most of it. Blah blah move in August. Blah blah Blah blah move in August in Texas (been there done that). What helps me is a quote from John Rhys-Davies (was Gimli in LOTR movies amongst other things) “Want to make God laugh?
Say you have a plan.” He was not being mean spirited, just the dry British humor. Maybe he should be John Wrys-Davies.


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
Well, if it makes you feel any better - it was all good! :lol:
Well that goes without saying! :)

They have never seen me in shorts or else I've got some really ugly, scary legs. :lol:
Face it Bay, not every woman got Betty Grable's legs. Plus who knows what her legs would have looked like at your age, she died at 57. The dogs may have barked at her too.


Herd Master
May 7, 2013
Reaction score
I put on shorts, I almost never wear shorts, my environment is not friendly to shorts. Recently bought flip flops for a trip to Galveston, so I had on those too. Sheba and Sentry took one look at me and exploded barking, snarling hackles raised, on full alert. I got close and said, "Momma's got legs!"
I put on a big ol' floppy straw hat a couple days ago. OMG - it was the first time my own LGDs have looked scary to me. They came toward me and the goats ran like hell the other way, lol. But, as soon as I spoke you could see the dogs look so embarrassed. :lol: Hilarious!


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I put on a big ol' floppy straw hat a couple days ago. OMG - it was the first time my own LGDs have looked scary to me. They came toward me and the goats ran like hell the other way, lol. But, as soon as I spoke you could see the dogs look so embarrassed. :lol: Hilarious!
That’s when you bend halfway over, swing your arms from side to side and send them into an even bigger frenzy! LOL

Mike CHS

Herd Master
Mar 18, 2013
Reaction score
Southern Middle TN
All of our ewes recognize me no matter what I have on but I discovered that Cooper doesn't like any change. A couple of weeks ago I had on shorts and short sleeve shirt for the first time in a couple of months and he wouldn't come anywhere near me. I started talking to him and he figured it out plus he can't resist me when I have the brush in my hand. He will come right up and turn sideways so I can comb his back and beard.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Thursday I was going to work on the dog pen to make it bigger for Trip and Carson. I went to the shipping container to get the T-post puller, tripped and did a full face plant on the floor. I banged my good knee, elbow, lip and forehead. I cried. I cussed. I got up and limped to the house and had a pity party. I sat in recliner rest of the day eating Advil and rubbing knee with Arnicare.

Friday I went to Galveston to help a friend cater a wedding. She had another friend help her, who brought her 2 sisters and a dog. Another friend did the baking, the bride wanted cupcakes instead of the traditional wedding cake and that friend showed up with her husband, 5 boys and a dog. My friend Sarah has a 20 year old autistic daughter, so that made 8 adults, 5 boys and with Sarah's 2 dogs, total of 4 dogs, all in a smallish 3 bedroom Air B&B with ONE bathroom! It was a ZOO! I just did a whole lot of sitting outside on the porch.

Saturday morning we went to the beach house to get set up for the reception. The kitchen was 3 flights of stairs up, house was up on stilts for hurricane water surges. We cooked, got set up and the wedding was on the beach. We stayed until 1:00 and went back to Air B&B, got kids, extra adults, couple of dogs and went to the beach.

Sarah's daughter, Lauren, was scared of the water and refused to go near it. I told her the way to get over being scared was to face her fears, so let's just get out toes wet. She put a vise grip on my hand and we stuck our toes in the water. The waves rolling and out messed with her equilibrium, she had her other arm flung out for balance and was wobbling like a toddler. She chattered away the whole time, and finally got ankle deep.

Lauren loves to watch Baywatch reruns on TV and is impressed with lifeguards. She was excited to see a real lifeguard tower and couldn't stop talking about it, so I took her to the tower to talk to a real live lifeguard. That made her real happy, and then because a lifeguard was on watch, she started having fun. She did her "Baywatch dives" which was jumping into the waves. Then she went up on the beach to do a "Baywatch run" running into the water where I stood knee deep and grabbing my arm. Over and over and over, she was having a ball.

Then she ran from the water to the lifeguard tower. I followed to see what was up. She was telling a different lifeguard that there was a snake in the water. I don't know what she saw, but she was convinced that she saw a snake. I told her to go tell her mom about the snake. Then I explained to the young man about her situation.

Lauren and I went back in the water, but not where she saw that snake! LOL The lifeguard came up, holding a plastic grocery bag down at his side, looked like it had sand in the bottom. He told Lauren, "I want to shake your hand! I caught that snake! I got him and everybody is safe now, thanks to you!" What a beautiful thing for him to do! She was thrilled and convinced herself that she was a hero for saving everybody from the snake. Back in the water she went. We never got over knee deep, but that girl had the time of her life. For me, it was the best part of the whole trip.

Then round everybody up and back to the very small house. Showers, changed clothes and went to eat. Found a place where the locals go, a fish market. You buy, we fry. You can buy seafood to take home, or for an upcharge, they will fry it for you. There was no indoor air conditioned dining. It was covered eating area, 2 stories, out over the water with a nice breeze blowing through and picnic tables. Sarah and I shared a whole sea bass, a pound of shrimp, oysters and gator bites. It was good. That place was packed with families. Food was served on a cafeteria type tray with styrofoam plates and napkins on the tables. A different experience than the usual high priced fancy tourist trap kind of place.





Back to the house, adults sat out on the porch, kids got the TV inside and dogs all got potty walks. Then up Sunday morning and all went home.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Good news on the farm! The 40 acres across the road, owned by same sellers is sold. They are bringing a surveyor out of Tyler and if he gets to survey my parcel, he will give us both a better price. Better than what price, I don't know, nor do I care. The sellers have decided to let him survey their remaining piece of property, so that's a 3 in one. I spoke to the surveyor today and he'll have me a price 1:00 tomorrow.

Ready for the BEST part? drumroll please!


The survey will be ready and DONE in 3 weeks!!!! :weee:weee

That sure beats the heck out of maybe, MAYBE 6 more weeks, but probably 8 more weeks. Or maybe...........longer.