Trip jumps in and out of the sheep pasture. He decided to guard the lambs whether the ewe likes or not. I saw him in the lot, on guard, intently looking around. As I walked up to get the picture, he relaxed and grinned at me. Love these dogs!
Thanks! I've named the ewe lamb Domino. I hope she grows to a good size. Last year was not so good, this year already started off good!
Miranda LAMBert is swollen like a dead hog in the sunshine! Her bag looks like a volleyball, even her teats are strutted out. NO BABIES! We are leaving in the morning to go to my sister's and might not come home until Tuesday. Miranda BETTER NOT have those lambs until I get back! She can cross her legs, breathe backwards, suck them up and WAIT until I get back! We have a neighbor that will take good care of things, so I am not worried about that. It may sound silly, but he doesn't text or take pictures on his phone and I really want newborn pictures! If she has her babies, he can't send me pictures for instant gratification. She has 18hours to have those lambs, after that she'd better WAIT.
They sheep got half a pumpkin today. I split the other half amongst the chickens. The ewes scarfed down that half pumpkin! Like starving wolves, they gnawed on it and thoroughly enjoyed it.