Sorry Bay That's a really tough break. Nothing you could have done, you couldn't even tell she was pregnant... Hope the big girls deliver without a hitch. Glad the ewes are your close friends now
I'm so sorry for your loss That's a difficult thing to deal with. It's good that she passed the placenta, though. Best thoughts that the others have no troubles.
She looks further along than the lamb my Brosa lost last spring. I bred Brosa again this fall, but I know I'll be on edge as her pregnancy progresses. I had a necropsy done that didn't give a positive reason, but did rule out a few things.
Oh BAY! I am so sorry! Seeing the tiny lamb on the shovel made me cry. I was so sad for you when you called me yesterday with the sad news.
The lamb does look small. Is this Ewe-nique's first lamb? I'm not an expert. But, can't help but think it's a blessing that this little one didn't make it. If it had, it might have been a weak/sickly sheep.
I'm so glad you were able to find some joy so soon after losing your first lamb. I love it when I can have my chickens out free ranging, and can call them (chook, chook, chook, chook) when I am ready to put them away, and they come running - well throwing some scratch always helps.
How exciting that the other ewes seem to be progressing well. I'm so looking forward to meeting your little lambs!
I've had more experience with stillborn lambs than I wish I had and that one looks close to lambing but not close enough to survive. Maybe around 130-135 days? It doesn't look mummified or rotten so that's a good sign and so is the fact that she passed the placenta with no problems. The ones I've lost at that age were due to a genetic defect, nothing you can do about that after the fact,
Sorry this happened to you, especially your first time lambing
This was Ewe-nique's first lamb. I bought her and the other three ewes as bred ewes. Ewe-nique barely showed a belly, especially when compared to Sheepalicious and Miranda LAMBert, they are HUGE! I figured there was something wrong with the lamb and that's why she lost it. And @Roving Jacobs you are right, nothing I can do about that.
This afternoon I walked the ewes up the driveway to the other pasture with a can of feed. When I went out to put them up for the night, I called SHEEP! SHEEP! SHEEP! and didn't rattle the coffee can of feed. Their heads popped up and they ran to the gate. I opened the gate and they followed me back to their night pasture. I did rattle the can when I went into their small enclosure and they ran in. I enjoy them so much and can't wait to post pics of me snuggling a lamb!
So happy for you Bay! It's obvious that you love your new ewes Can't wait to see you snuggling a new baby lamb! Hope it's a couple months off and they are all healthy!