Mini Horses
Herd Master
The others around here you have to kill and bring semi-quartered. We will check in WV and maybe even NC.
Really??? Heck, I never knew that was possible.
Here they ONLY do it all. It's a inspected facility, so there are controls they must follow and your meat is inspected, etc. Now, I have had a "kill & chill" done. They butcher & I pick up animal, hanging whole or quartered, etc., to take home & part out, package. Lots of ice & coolers! Last time I did 2 hogs at same time. Never again. One was more than enough cutting for me at one time. Vacuum sealers are appreciated here. The facility is in Ahoskie, NC...40 miles from me. A family business.
If DH does deer, he'd be able to do this. They are FAR more bulky to handle and obviously more meat. Knowing where the cuts come from is helpful for first may need more & bigger knives, saws, etc.
I have a neighbor who is totally set to process deer. Like pully to hang, gut, then pull entire skin, and even the cooler/freezer there to hang & age, right there in a building to do. He smokes and makes sausage, etc. Anyway, not knowing this at the time, I asked him if he knew a hunter who would process a goat for me. WOW -- couple hrs later I had it in sections, on ice to cut up next day. Watched & "helped". Obviously he was experienced! It was pretty cool.