My ewes are named Ewe-nique (due now?) Miranda Lambert (lambed this morning) Lady Baa-Baa, Lily (Lady Baa-Baa's lamb from January 2016) and Snowflake (Miranda's lamb from January 2016) The ram's name is Prince.
I name some of my chickens too. I have Robin, Dottie, Stupid Chicken, Beard-O (Ameraucana with muffs) Bless You the rooster, Rose, Elsa and the Delawares are known collectively as Mean Girls.
Love the names! We don't name poultry... Except Brewster the rooster (who is never just called Brewster) and our tom turkey Gobbles (yeah original but he came with that name).
I feel like my livestock names are way boring compared to yours!
I named a couple of steers many years ago and when it came time to butcher, I wound up selling them instead. My favorite ewes now are 133 and No Tag. Tar Baby (spotted face) isn't too far off from the favorites.
Those steers were like puppy dogs and followed me all around. There is more to that story. My neighbor bought two at the same sale and a year and a half later, he had the same problem I did. We solved that by me swapping him two of mine for two of his. I didn't have a problem processing and eating his and the same for him.
That was 40 years ago so a lot of water under the bridge since then.