just finished your 2nd lambing thread and first let me say how sorry I am about sheepalicious. we won't tell the others she was your favorite. I am so sorry you lost her. on the other hand the little ramblets are so cute. and yea on having a waiting list of buyers. my girls are all puffed out but nowhere near yet. waiting, waiting, waiting. took the ram home last week, he was sure a sweetie. and he is finally growing into those long legs and long back. in that picture I posted of him he was barely 5 months old and very gangly. ya know how a colt goes thru ugly spurts as they mature well he did too. hoping for healthy babies from him.
Lady Baa Baa is starting to get a bag. She loves getting her sides rubbed and scratched and makes funny faces when I'm rubbing her sides and belly. She had a single ewe lamb last year that we named Lily and kept for the flock. I don't look for Lady Baa Baa to lamb anytime soon, but I'm watching her.