Because, photography! ( pic heavy )


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
I'm not terribly punctual about de-weeding flower beds and it shows this time of year, as we have a preponderance of cold weather weeds that have to be removed each spring and I just haven't gotten around to it. And, my beds are nothing that will ever win "Yard of the Month awards either, but nonetheless, spring is in full bloom here. All of my flower beds took a beating last Sept due to having 2-4' of running water on them in The Big Flood, and I'm surprised they did as well as they have this spring. The wooden borders all floated off as well, a lot of the soil mix was eroded away and I had to go around the property and find the cross ties.
Wandering Jew, Ajuga, not yet blooming day lilies that need to be divided, and the white flowering weeds in middle right. The border on this one is rotted and I need to replace it.

Honeysuckle on the cedar rail fence in front of the porch. Bumble bees and humming birds are feeding well. I have to keep this one trimmed back, honeysuckle is invasive and sends out roots all over from which other trunks will emerge, but they smell so good when sitting on the porch in the evening.. I previously had posted a pic of the bed to the left, but have cut down the tall green plants that were growing then..PaperWhites they are called. Usually bloom in late January-Feb here, but did not this year. In a few weeks that bed will be covered in Celosia--Plume Flame or Fire plant. They make and drop seeds by the hundreds and will grow by themselves once the weather turns hot. Full sun and not a lot of water. They will look like this.

Amaryllis blooming, a white rose I will comment on further down, more Ajuga, Wandering Jew, and I haven't gotten around to de-weeding this one at all.

This one of course is Chrysanthemum (Mums) and the wrong time of year for it to bloom. No problem with weeds in this thick cover tho I did have to stop using that bird feeder because I had all kinds of grain growing prolifically where the blue birds kicked the seeds out. Mums too will take over if you aren't careful. I'm not crazy about the tiny blooms, but they are easy to grow and I like the smell of the plant itself. Full sun, as are all my bedding plants.

Red Knockout roses. I did not prune these back last Feb but usually do. They are gangbusters right now. They require pretty good composted soil. I have some more in the front yard in some awful natural clay and they aren't doing well at all! I need to dig the under-performers up and move them elsewhere.

Last, but my pride and joy..the White Rose. Truly a heirloom variety with a lot of family history, going back to at least the late 1800s. It is the donor for the smaller bush in one of the previous pictures. I do absolutely nothing to this bush except a bit of pruning so I can get by it with the lawn tractor, which contrasts to the need to do a lot for the hybrid teas and knockouts.. It is a testament to the survivability and longevity of some of the heirloom species.


I propagated this one in 2010 from a cutting that was on a piece of property I sold in 2015. That bush had been there since the late 60s, and it came from a bush that grew at the home where I was born in 1950, which itself, came from a cutting from one of several that grew in my grandmother's yard in extreme Northeast Texas. Grandmother, got it from my paternal great grandfather in the same area, probably in the 30s or early 40s. That bush, came with my Great Great Grandparents when they migrated from Alabama in the post civil war 1800s. White rose has been a part of my family surname for many generations. You may know the story and from it will know my last name. (not to be confused with the movie of the same name)
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Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
Same way they get out of the meat case at the grocery store I suppose. I don't raise anything around here that can't protect itself from predators or has to be put up every night. Chicken and eggs are like potatoes...too dang cheap at the store for me to bother with raising.


True BYH Addict
May 26, 2016
Reaction score
Longmont, Colorado
So I did my sisters engagement & save the date photos this weekend! Portraits are not really my forte but I bought a new lens to do these for her. I am still editing those ones but I fell in love with this shot I got of my nephew and Ben (his dad, sisters fiancee). I'm thinking of having it put on canvas for her :)
