Beef burgers found to contain horsemeat NOW READY MEALS 100% horsemeat


Ridin' The Range
Jan 8, 2013
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Hart Co., KY
Personally I'll try anything once. I think I started somthing I just don't know much about.


Herd Master
Oct 5, 2012
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NW Indiana
I definatly agree there needs to be an outlet for horses...there are WAY too many pasture ornaments for sale around here! I mean really if you can't handle why would someone else even want too? And most are way too expensive to justify feed bills. Saw a post on facebook last week ponies selling at sale for $5! It usually costs $30 to sell them....I don't think I could butcher up my current horses but I've had some that I'd do it in a heartbeat


Ridin' The Range
Jan 8, 2013
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Hart Co., KY
I agree promiseacres. I was big on going to sales back when I had a commerial flock, horses were cheap. They couldn't give some of them away. They said somthinng about changing the laws about dog food. so they were shipping them to Canada to get them prosessed. Dropping the prices to nothing. Actvists were the ones that got that thru, saying it was crule to the animals. There has to be a market for those animals that need to be put down or they are just causing crulity by other ways. Now the animals are starving because people don't want them but can't sell them!!!!!!! Got me started I see

Straw Hat Kikos

The Kiko Cowboy
May 18, 2012
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North Carolina
I agree! I see free ones all the time and you see starving horses all the time too. People can't feed them. What's worse? To allow an animal to starve to death (a horrible way to die) or allow that animal to be humanly slaughtered and be able to feed families? Don't know bout ya'll but I like the second. Better for everyone.

Besides, alot of horses are already being shipped to Mexico and Canada for slaughter anyways. A horse is a horse, which is an animal, which to me is food. Just sayin'


Herd Master
Oct 5, 2012
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NW Indiana
that BIGGEST thing that gets me about closing all the slaughter houses was NOW the horses are forced into semi trailers made for cattle with a bunch of other horses and then shipped off across the is that more humane????


Ridin' The Range
May 12, 2010
Reaction score
Maybe the issue is with all the possible drugs a horse can be injected with/fed? ALOT of the stuff people give horses stays in the meat and is not good for people to consume. With horses often going through quite a few owners, it would be hard to know what the might have been given, and that would mean testing each horse meant for consumption for a plethora of different drugs and supplements. The cost to do that to every horse, and the waiting time for results while having to feed the horse, could make it not as profitable to process horse meat.

And then you have public sentiment... horses are pets for most people, not food. Personally, if I knew the animal would face a horrible otherwise, I say eat them... But then again, anyone remember the Premarin horses? Many had just horrible lives, their babies that survived had no designated home, and once the product was off the market, the horses had no future.

Didn't a lot of them either end up let loose in the wild, or just put down? There weren't enough rescue groups to help them all...


Chillin' with the herd
Jan 22, 2012
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There were real concerns about the safety of horse meat - in cattle medications have been tested for withdrawl times, approved or banned for usage, and vigilantly tracked - with horses this is often not the case, many horses end up at auctions with absolutely no background or medical records beyond a coggins test. American horses were often not intended for slaughter and so they often receive banned medications. So to me this is a pretty valid reason for concern as exporting bad meat could have consequences on our entire meat market however I don't support the full out banning of it as I think regulations could fix this. There was additional concerns as to the captive bolt guns effectiveness on equines, their skull shape often leads to failure and a horse being paralyzed rather than killed, so he remains alive and aware through the slaughter process however banning is not the answer, developing an effective instrument and more humane slaughter process is.

I think in America also, sentimentality plays the biggest part, people tend to see them more like a dog than a cow.

I hope they get they figure out something as the horse market is really bad. We really need an outlet for all the poor quality horses. :/

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
Pearce Pastures said:
goodolboy said:
In America I believe it goes Biblical. The split hoof thing.
What is the split hoof thing?

Edited to add

Oh, you mean the Jewish law, cloven hoof/chews cud things. Not sure----doesn't seem like that would be the basis for a law on horse meat. Hmmmm.....I might need to do some googling :D

Edited again because now I am REALLY confused---is it illegal or not to butcher a horse for meat?
The Hebraic dietary law as was given in Leviticus 11 states very specific requirements as what G-d determined to be clean and unclean. It covers fish and fowl also. Unclean animals were forbidden because they pose a health risk to the human body. Unclean means to be defiled, foul, unfit. Any scavenger is unclean because they feed off of the dead.

Pigs were a sort of garbage disposal and pig in general is all fattoxins and waste are stored in the fat. Although the pig is cloven does not chew its cud. Hence unclean. The camel is opposite.

Generally, cloven hooved AND chews cud is clean.

The slaughtering of animals was also important as strangled meat was forbidden.
The dietary requirements were all for the health of the people, to keep them from disease and illness. At one point the Egyptians accused the Hebrew people of cursing them because the Egyptians were dying of disease but the Hebrew people were not. It all came down to the food. To this day those who practice the Hebraic Dietary Laws- truly, not reformed have literally no cancers fertility issues or other health issues. There are very few who follow these.

Much of the dangerous bacterium comes from the slaughter houses which do not follow kosher slaughter methods. Acts 15:20 says to abstain from things strangled and blood. When an animal is killed improperly the blood remains in their bodies contrary to Lev 17:10-14. Of course the eating of blood was also forbidden. Acts 15:29 That ye abstain from meats offered to idols/false gods, and from blood, and from things strangled from which if ye keep yourselves, ye shall do well. Fare ye well.

In our area there are no Kosher slaughter houses, but there are Halal for those that follow the scriptures, although Halal does slaughter correctly, according to requirements, so to speak, the animals according to halal are prayed over and offered up to their god. Hence, if you are not a muslim, then it would be violating Acts 15:29. No kosher or Halal slaughter house will ever process a pig, or any other animal deemed unclean.

So there is the short end of it. For those who wanted to know. Some people care, some dont.

There is also a bit more in Deuteronomy if anyone is interested.

~as far as horses.... maybe because they are pets... :/