Happy Chooks
Loving the herd life
soarwitheagles - did you ever get that big eucalyptus flow? I cannot imagine the upkeep with 25 hives. I'll just keep my 3 for the moment. (which I'm sure will expand to 5 next summer with swarms)
babs - I do the pollen patties in early spring. It helps them start building up for the first flow. (Fruit trees and manzanita here) If it's over 50*, I can feed liquid, but I prefer to not do it until it's 60*. I haven't sprinkled raw sugar, so I can't comment on that.
babs - I do the pollen patties in early spring. It helps them start building up for the first flow. (Fruit trees and manzanita here) If it's over 50*, I can feed liquid, but I prefer to not do it until it's 60*. I haven't sprinkled raw sugar, so I can't comment on that.