Herd Master
Therein lies the problem, I do believe...a difference in perception. Not many people are having gun fights out there on their land, so they don't need a gunfighter. A dog with a knife will usually suffice.Lab or golden are they nice dogs? Yes
Can they stop a raccoon from killing chickens?
Will the harm kids? No
Will they stop a stranger when needed?
Just because they're nice and bark doesn't mean alot to me.
Kinda like the phrase bringing a knife to a gun fight.
An Akbash or Anatolian would suit the OP fine for what they are wanting and they can be found aplenty out west, but it's likely a Lab or Golden will do as well. They don't mention any major threats to their person or livestock that would warrant a hard core breed, so they don't necessarily need gunfighters, even though it is the west.