Herd Master
I wouldn't keep ANY 5 month old puppy in with the chickens without supervision. Might work if you had an adult LGD in there with it to keep it in line and save your birds.
Thank you everybody for the opinions. I feel like there is half the LGD owners who suggest keeping the pup with the chickens from the beginning, and the other half say, to keep them separate, and not give them the opportunity to hurt the chickens.
Anyways, we will update everyone in a couple of days.
Our dogs will eat the eggs also. My husband solved that problem by taking a piece of a large dog crate that has openings large enough for the chickens to walk through and we put it up everyday when we let the chickens out. The chickens can get in and out but the dogs can't. Our eggs are protected, the dogs can't eat the chicken feed plus the chickens can still get in whenever they want. I'll try and take a pic tomorrow and post so you can see.We spend 2 days straight keeping her with all the chickens, and we would recorrect her every time she started _______ (doing whatever she wasn’t supposed to. But as soon as she knows we aren’t watching, or we go inside, she gets a duck of fluffy chicken, or eats more eggs, or chases them, etc.
Just a minute ago, we were inside, and she was outside with them, and she almost killed a duck. What should we do? She doesn’t do anything bad when we are watching...
We also need suggestions on how to stop her from eating eggs, she eats every egg she can find when we aren’t watching, if we are raking the barn, and she is in there with us, she won’t touch an egg, as soon as we leave to empty the wheel barrow, she eats the eggs. She isn’t hungry, because she has 24 hour access to food.
Another problem we have with her, is if we are throwing food to the chickens, she will try to kill them, if they get close to the food we are throwing to them. We feed her off to the side, so she is getting some too, but she is still growling at the chickens eating beside her...
Very unusual, they can be very active since they have a lot of play space. maybe your not giving them as much attention that they need? did you try playing with them?We got a wonderful LGD puppy, she is about 4 months old now, and we have her in a huge chainlink pen(that used to be our garden) with the chickens surrounding her pen in their chainlink she is in a pen, and the chickens are in a surrounding pen. She does great, and we let her out with them at least daily when we are raking the barn and such, she does great with them, does perimeter checks, counts them, etc...but when she is locked in her pen (when she can’t be supervised), she gets really bored. We have balls, and rope toys for her out there, and we’ve tied a toy to a rope on the fence, so she can pull and tug. But she is still bored we think, what activities, toys, or interaction, do y’all recommend for LGD puppies?
Haha, we have a hen that refuses to go back in the coop. Ever. She sleeps in the sheep's hay bale and made her nest in Sentry's dog house!Thanks a LOT Joy-Chicken for making Sentry an egg sucking dog! He'll stick his head in his dog house to see if she's done yet. I've even heard him "MIRF" at her, like he's telling her to hurry up before Mom gets the egg! Durn chicken!