Herd Master
It SOUNDS great, but a lot of young people don’t want to work much...they’d rather be on their cell phones. That’s why there are so many ‘help wanted’ signs everywhere in our area. But, @Xerocles , you totally have the right idea!!Remembering that this is BackyardHERDS. Decorative fencing across the front of the property, and a herd of attractive sheep?
Or a few of the really CUTE rabbits. And a couple of push mowers. Befriend the local HS cheerleader squad, invite them over to pet the bunnies each Saturday. Then when the teenage boys show up (because of) the cheerleaders, hand them a mower. Probably even get some free fence post work while the boys try to impress the girls with their strength and prowess. I'm old. Does this still work? I remember a neighbor of mine who got a lot of free labor out of me and some of my friends due to a couple of winsome daughters back in the day. Build it and they will come!