Best type of flood proof fencing for crossing a stream?


True BYH Addict
Jun 15, 2010
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twentynine said:
I am in La. we know about floods and crossing canals, ditches, streams and bayous with fencing.

What we use is a tube gate. If I can I will describe to the best of my ability.

Large post one on each bank of the stream. Large beam or even a cable stretched tight betwext the post. Using the hinges supplied with the tube gate suspend the gate from the beam or cable. the gate should hang down to the level of where the bottom tube is in the water at low water level or barely off the ground in a normally dry ditch.

When it rains the water will either flow through the bottom tube or when the water gets high enough the current will then push the gate open. When the water receeds the gate would then fall back into it's original position.

Got two of them on my property, nothing but water goes through them, horse or cattle never have.

I promise you it works, and I ain't never had to tinker with it.
We live in a high desert type environment in central California.Our normally dry creek only has water in it after it rains 2-3 inches of rain in Dec. ( last 4 years our annual rainfall was 6.5"). Then after it rains 0.2" we get a water rise at a rise of 6" per hour ... then a torrent untill the water rages down to a depth of 7'. Then the creek is dry within 2 weeks. We need to graze the creek bottom as doing otherwise the 4 foot tall and very dence weeds would choke the water flow like a dam and cause a major flood into the barn and house. I have basically the same setup, but the gate is made with cedar planks. Works like a charm! I have used it for 15 years with NO repairs.