Herd Master
I'm just not there. I'd eat them but not so sure about the processing. Hubby is flat out, NO WAY! I'd pay someone to do it for me but can't seem to find anyone.
Oh, you'll get there. The first one will be the hardest, after that, it gets easier. We use a killing cone, made of rolled up duct taped cardboard. LOL LOL You can make your own redneck contraption or buy a proper stainless steel one.
A killing cone, IMO is the most humane way to kill a chicken. Upside down, head sticking out and a very sharp knife to cut the throat. Don't cut the head off. Cut the throat, the brain will tell the heart to keep pumping, thus bleeding out the carcass. The bird is unconscious in seconds. It may "kick" as it bleeds out, that can be disconcerting the first few times, just hold the legs so it doesn't kick it's way out of the cone.
Take the bird out of the cone, wash well with water hose to remove any dirt. Cut off the head. Dip in scalding hot water, then pick feathers. I start with the wing feathers because they are the hardest to pull out. Sometimes I use needle nosed pliers.
Lay plucked bird on it's back, at the end of the breast bone, make a cut into the body cavity. Cut carefully down towards the anus, cut around it and then pull out the guts. Cut off the neck, careful not to nick the crop and spill out any feed. It is best to withhold feed the day/night before. Remove the crop and trachea. Cut off feet, disjointing where the feathers end the the scaly legs begin. Take in the house, wash, wash, fine pick the pin feathers.
Bag and freeze. You now have a meal for your family and they DURN SURE BETTER ENJOY IT!
It's not rocket science, you can do this. Just make up your mind and go for it.