Herd Master
I love my sheep. They don't seem to be as needy as goats. I agree that goats have tons of personality, but my sheep do too! LOL We recently culled half my ewes, 6 of them. It was a hard decision, I raised them, they had names, one was an original ewe, one of our first sheep. We are keeping 6 ewe lambs, plus starting to look for a few registered ewes. To upgrade, I had to let some go.
Animals can be a lot of work. If you are swarmed by life in general, the work that you put out on animals can just add to the overwhelming feelings. Taking a step back to regroup is a wise decision.
Animals can be a lot of work. If you are swarmed by life in general, the work that you put out on animals can just add to the overwhelming feelings. Taking a step back to regroup is a wise decision.