It was so nice today that the girls were out enjoying it with me.
You can see olives belly in the far left pic haha. And tilda had been rubbing her head on the broken hay feeder courtesy of may breaking everything..... Scarlet has a small bald spot on the top of her head from doing it too.... Ugh.
Hahahhaa it was 50* here too and I was out in just a long sleeved shirt sweating. We have been breaking temp records here for being warmest February temps! I'm ok with that. Today is even supposed to rain..... :/ ugh. Oh well!
Thank you all! We are super excited and I honestly don't care that I have to wait longer. I'm just happy I caught them and they really do show heat signs! Well.... Joureys still out on scarlet if she does or not but may tries to mount her. She's never tried to do that before to any does.... So that's a good sign.. Right? Lol. Rebel wasn't quite interested in her yet but he was romancing her. Which seems to be normal for all of my girls so far. Day one they romance and day two they are ready to stand.
Well, Tilda went into heat today and Roscoe covered her several times, eagerly. It is looking like Olive should still be due March 24th or April 14th depending on what cycle she took during and Tilda did not take when I bred her for April 16th kids. I will still be watching her the 16th of April but it is looking more like August 1st will be her new due date... I never did see Rebel cover Scarlet so I am hoping and praying she is due in July as well as May was mounting her 2 days after her cycle ended and she was covered by Roscoe due for July 18th kids.
As much as I was hoping for April kids, this will give us plenty of time to do the barn renovations and get the fencing situated by then.