Ice is falling from the sky. Its below freezing. Accidents are happening. No change in olive other than some more loosening ligs. No change in udder. Baby still going crazy stretching in there when she eats and when I tickle her side lol.
I don't know... we "might" hit high 30's-low 40's today but back down into 20's tonight....
She is still no change. I am still nervous about her kidding in this cold but now I am feeling more secure in if she does for the fact that It is not getting cold enough in my barn with Scarlet's added body heat to freeze even a thin layer of frost over water and frozen water buckets are still able to thaw when placed in there.
Comparison of last night at 1045 and this am at 745. Her tail is always up and today she couldn't hold it up at all so this is definitely a big change. Some slight discharge on the side of her tail as well.. And looking sunken in. She also had very little interest that I was in there. She is ALWAYS STANDING UP ON THE GATE HOLLERING.