Blessedfarmgirl's Journal


True BYH Addict
Feb 22, 2023
Reaction score
East Texas
I kept 7 ewe lambs and they also are small. I’ll be watching them to see if they can carry lambs with no problems. They will be a year old in Match of 25, but will probably wait until August to put them with a ram. Their genetics should overcome their rough start in life, as long as they can carry lambs. Fingers crossed.

I’m disappointed in Sir Lambs A Lot growth. I thought since he didn’t get as wormy and sickly as the others, that he would be ok. He was a triplet, but due to his mom not cleaning out after lambing and having a hard time, I pulled the other 2 lambs and bottle fed them. So he got all the milk. I never worm his mom or Cooper his sire. His genetics are all there. But even the best sheep can produce duds. If he doesn’t produce good growthy lambs for you and you are unhappy with his lambs, I will replace him. We will stay in touch on this and see how he does.

I think you made the right decision to separate him and give him extra TLC. His structure seems to be good, just needs some more muscle on them! Being away from the ewes might make him more excited to see them when you put him back with the ewes.
Thank you for your kind words and offer. I agree the genetics are all there, Cooper and the BTX ewe are awesome! I am guessing that by next year he will look amazing. It was probably just the rough spring that set him back. I will keep you posted of course!
That pic actually wasn't the best because Lambs-a-lot was the one in the back. The one in the foreground of that pic is my little wether born about the the same week as Lambs-a-lot actually. I have never had April or later born lambs grow out well for some reason, even without parasite issues. I will aim for February and March lambings whenever I can but it may be that I will have to settle for April this year. We'll see!
Here's a pic of them side by side. I couldn't get any closer. Smaller one is my wether. The wether was not weaned until now. You can see the difference in frame size.


On a great note, Mocha and Butterfly are doing awesome! They are happy and getting slick filling out on all this summer pasture. I am very happy with them. Mocha is not the herd queen yet, two of my other ewes share that job. But she is always at the front of the group begging for snacks!


True BYH Addict
Feb 22, 2023
Reaction score
East Texas
Official introduction. This is Boaz! I got him shaved down today and gave him a bath and a hoof trim. He's showing a lot of promise already at 6 months. His sire is a grand champion buck and his dam is the doe who made over a gallon a day at her peak. He is a dramatic, clingy big baby who likes to chew clothes. 😂 I'm going to have to try and break him of his habit of climbing on people before he gets too big and obnoxious. (And noxious)





True BYH Addict
Feb 22, 2023
Reaction score
East Texas
I love love love his length of body and level topline and brisket!! Do you have dams udder photo on hand?
Unfortunately I don't! The lady I got him from had a crazy year with a ton of babies and didn't get any udder pics. So it was a risk but I'm hoping his sire's side will help me out.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
who made 9lbs a day at her peak on milk test!
Did you get the entire milking records on the dam? Focusing on the amoint milked at the"peak" doesn't tell the whole story. Many times the amount of milk produced during the entire 10 month lactation is a better average than does that have high peaks and may not produce as mch over the complete 10 months. Daily milk records are the best to determine amount of mill produced and length of lactation.


True BYH Addict
Feb 22, 2023
Reaction score
East Texas
Did you get the entire milking records on the dam? Focusing on the amoint milked at the"peak" doesn't tell the whole story. Many times the amount of milk produced during the entire 10 month lactation is a better average than does that have high peaks and may not produce as mch over the complete 10 months. Daily milk records are the best to determine amount of mill produced and length of lactation.
I am aware of that, yes, but my does I have now are only producing a quart per day, so I'm honestly pretty happy if he helps raise production even a little. I do know that the doe in question went to a farm specifically for dairy, so I'm pretty confident she's not just a one day wonder, but I don't have the official records other than that she earned her milk star.