Thanks @leanneellison1979! I love goats!! What kind of goats are you thinking of getting?
Aww, thanks Southern! Things are going pretty well here thanks! Had a wedding we went to this weekend, so haven't been on for a few days. I still have Compadre near the goats, but not with them; he still growls/snarls at them through the door that separates them sometimes. He's been there for probably a couple of weeks. And it's getting harder to "take him to the ground", aka laying him on his side, for corrections... is there anything else I can do instead? I must say though, I'm pleased because he seems to listen better now to my verbal scoldings to leave the goats alone, and will usually stop after a few seconds.
I've started the process of de-horning Ashton via the banding method; his horns should hopefully fall off soon! Once I see how that goes, I'll probably do one or two of my girls at a time until they're all done. I like the horns, but personally, right now I think it's dangerous to keep them. :}
Also, excited for baby goats, hopefully in March/April! I believe all three of my older girls are expecting in April! Yay!