Boone-My Anatolian Unicorn


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
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East Texas
When I was living at my son’s house, I got a shower one evening and put on shorts. It dawned on me that I didn’t put Sentry and Sheba up for the night. The fences weren’t great and it was right on a busy highway, so I was always worried they would get out and get run over. I went outside in shirt, shorts and flip flops. Sentry and Sheba barked their danger alarm. The closer I got, the worse they got, hair up on their back, bristled up like a porcupine. Snarling, growling and barking, I got a real good look at how ferocious they could be. They didn’t recognize me and were in full attack mode.

Finally I called out, “Mommy’s got legs!” They wracheted down attack mode a very little bit. I kept talking to them, they were confused. A monster with mommy’s voice! They were still bristled up, still growling, when I got to the gate, still talking to them. FINALLY they decided it was really me and wagged their tails. I went in and they cautiously sniffed my legs like my legs were going to attack.


Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
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Hilarious!! My Maremmas alerted to me in the dark a time or two when I was checking during lambing. They couldn’t see my because of my flashlight I think, but I always wondered “do they think some diabolical criminal is able to mimic my voice? Can’t you SMELL me?” 😂 I’d have to shine the light under my chin and then they’d grovel like “oops! Our bad!”


Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
Reaction score
Boone was especially remarkable last night. It was granddaughter’s 21st birthday (sept destroys our finances with 4 grandkids birthdays) MORE strange people poured into the house and folk here often don’t knock, they just enter. ( why can’t cowboys understand this concept? They know I can’t hear them tap on the door but will NOT enter until you open the door for them. Even hollering won’t help. It’s like they are vampires…)
I digress… folks of all colors, ages and sizes showed up and as the emergency hug worked so well, I just parked by the door demanding hugs as a toll to be paid on entry as Boone processed everyone in, behind me. We were like the obligatory drunks at a New Year’s Eve party.

It was a fun, noisy, chaotic celebration I was so grateful to be a part of. And if Boone had not insisted on doing bum-sniff doggy greetings ( there’s nothing funnier than seeing a man squeal while straddling the snout of an enormous dog trying to glean their entire life history through it’s nose!) his behavior would have been near perfection. They spread out on floors, and Boone’s sofas (he has now claimed ownership of both as he enjoys napping/eavesdropping on one and chewing his antler on the other) and he not only let them occupy his real estate but eat their meals almost completely unmolested ( if you don’t count tolls collected at the door)

Earlier in the day, he overcame his claustrophobia under tables and laid quietly at my feet while I had a bite.

We ventured out to the car a couple times, grudgingly sparing a cat in the street, 12 ft away, and searching his opponent across the street.

He also is beginning to seek my meds from different sources rooms and carrying them to me on the couch. We have progressed enough that he has let me touch his nails with the dremel running several times, and let me put on his no skid socks several times
I love that we are still making progress while on vacation ❤️





Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
Reaction score
Ohhh poor Boone! I am a terrible, awful person. I had UTI return and was with online medical this morning. Then around 11, I got cold sweats, foggy and nauseous and super fatigued so my honorary daughter drove us to pharmacy. Boone was a good boy, but after picking up my meds, he was pulling hard towards some grass but I dragged him to car. Then I recalled I was gonna get some of those portable barf bags so back we went. He kept rushing me and I made him slow down. He continued rushing me. In fact, he kept turning his head, wanted to go backwards. He tried every feasible way short of barking his fool head off to let me know he needed to leave. Then, I was looking down the aisle, thankfully right next to the bathroom he squatted down and took the biggest fastest dump in the history of dogdom.

I suddenly understood all the signals. Poor Boone is upset and it’s my fault 😞
I’m glad he has a forgiving nature when it comes to me 😉