Boone-My Anatolian Unicorn


Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
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My new waist belt and leash arrived so I can use the carabiner dealybop with Boone again so we can try cruising the ranch one of these days when weather is nice and my pain levels are low enough. At least I will use the belt Monday for the long Dr appt. It might be easier than my hands free leash as I won’t have to unhook and rehook when I sit down or he lays down. One of my appts is going to be 4 hours long and I pray he handles it well!
We are working with his Service mat on a placeboard all weekend, hoping it helps. Although tonight he went bonkers after having such a good afternoon. He gets anxious if Fen and Randy aren’t home by 6:30. He starts pacing and complaining around 5 every night. I try to entertain him with some action games, puzzles and training games but he is only temporarily distracted and becomes more anxious the later it gets.
He did really well discerning my phone, kindle and tv thing and bringing them to me. However, he decided to tease me with my med bag as he was in crunch mode tonight. It seems to be a symptom of his frustration with the boys.
When I asked for help with laundry this morning, he blew me off because he wanted to take a nap. That is the LGD genetics working against me. But in spite of that, the things he has achieved when he WANTS to are remarkable. My Maremmas were really special and had unusually good recall and obedience for their class, but if anyone had told me an LGD breed would perform the tasks Boone already does at a year old, I wouldn’t believe it.

I made ham&potato soup and 2 baguettes of French bread for dinner so Nathan came for dinner again. Boone went nuts because 1. He loves company 2. He likes Nathan 3. Nathan’s Dutch Shepherd is in season so Boone thinks he smelled delightful tonight. He was way over thresholds and couldn’t hold himself down at the, table so he spent dinner outside again. Although I need to train him to lay next to me when we go to eat, I might do better to put his placeboard away from the dining area until he has better impulse control, except there’s no room in this little house, and it’s easiest for me if he lays at the end of the table while I work in the kitchen…so maybe I will just make sure I have some frozen Topls and crate him when company comes. Idk…thoughts? Give him to chance to settle on his mat then crate him if he can’t?
If my hands are ok tomorrow, I’ll try to harvest a drake after I get the sourdough baked…and work Boone. 😁
