I forgot where you are located and where you keep your rabbits ( in a enclosed shelter or outside in hutchs)
Sounds like a serious respitory infection, ... let me tag a few others..@AmberLops @promiseacres@Bunnylady@Baymule@Hens and Roos@Beekissed
are you seeing any other symptoms with her...discharge from nose or eyes and wetness on the inside of her from paws? How is she acting? Eating and drinking?
Olive oil and mineral oil work well too..they're thicker than vegetable oil and seem to work faster.
Does she have any discharge from her eyes/nose? Is she sneezing? Lethargic?
A few months ago, one of my lop does had a bad breathing issue that sounds similar to your doe...raspy heavy breathing that sort of sounds like a pig. She had no discharge and no other symptoms and after some research it seemed like the problem was caused by the heat/humidity...apparently when rabbits breathe heavier and faster, they can easily wear out the mucus in their throat and nose and after a while it causes raspy breathing. She had a litter of kits at the time and none of them showed any signs of it so I knew it wasn't contagious.
It took about a month before she started breathing normally again, I put some 'breathe easy' essential oil on the bars of her cage and that helped a lot, and I put some echinacea tea in her water bottle. I hope your doe will be alright.