Help on identifying the breeds of the others would be great, too. I think I have some red sex links, some sort of reds, buff orpington, an easter egger, and the white ones are possibly leghorns? The confirmed rooster (he started crowing this week and is very proud of himself) I think is a Dominique. I have 32 chickens total, and will have about an acre for them to roam, so 2 roosters should be okay.
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I don't think it is impossible, but I would watch them as the grow and as long as the flock doesn't show signs of stress you could be fine with three.Yes, the EE is 8 weeks too (I'm assuming it is the wheat colored one with green legs). I had requested a EE cockerel (hatchery Ameraucana), and a cuckoo maran cockerel, but thought they must have been one of the three that died in the first week. This one seems very sweet natured and timid compared to many of the others, and the comb isn't very pink or large, so I hadn't suspected it as a cockerel. Will keep an eye on it. Three cocks may be a bit much?