Thank you so much- perfect time for this info, as I'm trying to compare prices and feeds right now so we can start our supply. We'll be picking up the kids in about 2 weeks.
So, my neighbor is a feed supplier and he is willing to supply us our hay at a lower cost than we could get it at local feed stores- he has alfalfa hay or bermuda grass hay. He says he prefers the grass hay for goats... what do you think?
The goats I am purchasing are currently on an all-alfalfa diet. No grain other than for pregnant or milking does. Treats here and there, but that's it other than alfalfa hay. Is this what I should continue? My head is spinning with all the different opinions I am getting from people around here (at the feed stores, my neighbor, a local goat breeder, etc). I know it's like so many things- ask 10 people you'll get 10 answers... I just don't know how I'm supposed to decide!
I'll be asking at the feed stores around about getting some ammonia chloride to supplement their diet, and also looking into what brands of grain and mineral they carry and what the ingredients/ratios are.
Thank you so much again!!!
If they are on all alfalfa hay right now and doing well and you can get it at a good price, then I wouldn't change it. I buy a mixed hay that contains could also buy both and "mix" it.
I have experimented with my milk does in regards to grass and alfalfa hay. My girls give more milk and it actually tastes sweeter when they are on straight alfalfa hay and grain with BOSS mixed in it. So, when my does are dry they get grass hay; when they are in milk they get alfalfa hay.
You might want to try your own experiment with your goats and see if either way makes a difference?
One reason why you can get so much varied advice from your local folks is simply that there are about as many ways to keep goats as there are people doing it. And generally they all work well.
For the goat they do better on alfalfa then grass as their digestive system handles the alfalfa better, besides the alfalfa being more nutritional, goats are more browsers then grazers, and the alfalfa fits into that much better.
If you can train your goats into also taking some pellets it will help to stabilize their diet, and you can avoid straight grain. Alfalfa, pellets and minerals is an excellent diet for goats. I try to avoid anything other then a tiny amount of grain. A treat at milking, is fine. As like a handful.
The Black Oil Sunflower Seed I think is a must for most all domestic livestock, from rabbits to cattle.