Ridin' The Range
I am completely confused on when I should breed my Katahdin ewes. I know of breeders in my region (Mid-Atlantic) lambing from Dec through April. Of course they all believe the month they lamb is the very best time. I am so confused! 
My plan was to target the major holidays, specifically Eid just a few days away. Prices at the local sale at the beginning of March were excellent. The next Eid holiday is June. In between, the local market will be flooded with lambs in May-June and the prices will drop. Next major holiday to target is Christmas.
I just met with a successful breeder of registered Katahdins. I had no idea some producers kept their "lambs" for a full year. I thought the goal was to sell as soon as possible! My original plan was Fall lambing to sell small lambs for Eid at the end of March. It didn't work out. Now that I know a bit more, I am even more confused.
Decreased fertility in the heat of the summer. Parasites in Spring, high heat and humidity in Summer.
Those in the Mid-Atlantic, when do you breed your ewes and why?

My plan was to target the major holidays, specifically Eid just a few days away. Prices at the local sale at the beginning of March were excellent. The next Eid holiday is June. In between, the local market will be flooded with lambs in May-June and the prices will drop. Next major holiday to target is Christmas.
I just met with a successful breeder of registered Katahdins. I had no idea some producers kept their "lambs" for a full year. I thought the goal was to sell as soon as possible! My original plan was Fall lambing to sell small lambs for Eid at the end of March. It didn't work out. Now that I know a bit more, I am even more confused.

Those in the Mid-Atlantic, when do you breed your ewes and why?