Thanks Pearce! I guess I just learn by doing...!! I want to figure out though how to take better pictures for my products. Some of them aren't that great. It's hard to get that perfect backdrop.
I washed more wool today, and carded more wool. My stash is piling up!
Well, this a.m. I was walking by one of the horse's water troughs and there was my English Game hen ROO! Floating in the water, I thought he was dead for sure. We usually keep a big log in the troughs so chickens can get out if they fall in. Tim had switched the water trough yesterday and forgot to put the stick back in.
I was horrified as I pulled the chicken out, he seemed dead. But then I saw him move his head back slightly, he was alive!!!!! omg I didn't know what to do. I was crying (of course) and ran to Tim telling him I found him in the water. We decided to put him under a heat lamp to see if that helped, but we did not have high hopes. He was limp and wet and cold, and was barely breathing. I thought water must have gotten into his lungs for sure. He was having some spasms which I thought was him dying.
He was hanging in there, so I put some Poultry RX stuff on his beak and around his head. He seemed to perk up a little when I did and moved his head a little. But his breathing was still sporadic and raspy sounding.
Well, I'm happy to report the last time I looked in the stall where he was under the lamp, he was walking around!!!!! A miracle. He seems to be okay. He was pecking around eating, too. Oh I am so happy, he is so beautiful!
Did you ever play one of those time management games on Yahoo? I used to play Farm Frenzy all the time before I actually lived on a farm. I just loved it, used to play it for hours! You would have to start by watering the grass, then the chickens would come along and eat the grass. Then they would lay an egg and you would have to go pick it up...etc. Well, now I am doing all of that in REAL life! I can't even believe it. I am constantly queuing up the next thing that has to be done in my head when I'm out in the barnyard. It's just like I'm playing the game..Feed the chickens...have to go fill the water troughs...pick up the eggs....put down hay...feed the sheep....go put minerals out....wash the eggs....put them out in my box for sale....on and on and on. The game never ends! lol
I also have been thinking a lot lately how much you keenly use all of your senses when you are a farmer. Sight...I am constantly looking around to make sure nothing is out of order, nothing is out of whack or that everybody looks okay. Then sound...I always notice if somebody is baaing out of the ordinary, or clucking, or if there is an ABSENCE of a sound I should be hearing. Then smell, does this corn smell okay, does this hay smell okay? Touch...I love to pet the chickens or hold them, they are so smooth and silky. The sheep are so soft and wooly. Touch the water in the water trough and make sure it feels not too cold or not too hot. Then there is the sixth sense. I use that a lot! Something doesn't feel right, I better check on so and so...
I'm happy that I saved two critters this week using my senses. I didn't lose any! That's always a good week.
Today I am going to my sister Bon's. She's having some coworkers over and I'm bringing my felting stuff and the ferrets so we can play around. They want me to show them how to make the ferrets and other fun stuff. Bon lives in Baltimore, so it is a good hour and a half drive. It will be fun!
Ruth's hip is still bothering her. She hasn't been to the Senior Center in 2 weeks After taking her to numerous Doctors, she was diagnosed with bursitis by the Orthopedic Specialist. He gave her a cortisone shot and it hasn't done much yet, but can take up to 10 days to kick in. We were worried her cancer was coming back, she had Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. But all the special blood tests came back a-okay! But in the meantime she is bored to tears and wants me to come over and sit down and "chat" with her. Well, there never seems to be a good time to do that, since I am so busy with everything here. I am going to go over this morning and chat with her for a little while and maybe and sit and have breakfast with her.
I suspect she wants to talk about the whole Power of Attorney thing. Tim had gotten the idea in his head that I should be Ruth's POA. I said NO, absolutely not. Because I know what will happen. He will try to pressure me into doing things that aren't right, plain and simple. And I don't feel like being in the middle of it, with him trying to manipulate the whole situation with Ruth's money. Then he decided that he would just do it. But then i got to thinking that that definitely won't be in Ruth's best interest at all! He is already talking about trying to get Ruth to change her will to give us the farm when she dies. She's got nephews, they don't live nearby at all and we are the ones watching out for her, but she has her will already written that they are her heirs. No doubt they will sell the farm when she dies and we will be out, but oh well. I don't expect Ruth to bypass her blood relatives for us. I don't think she should.
So there will be an ongoing battle over who gets to handle her affairs, and what happens to her estate when she dies.
Okay, that's it for now. Happy farming! Batten down the hatches for Hurricane Sandy all you east coasters!
I had a chat with Ruth yesterday. I sat down and had breakfast with her. Get this..she asked ME if I want to take over the farm! She said she would sell it to me for a song, or let me take over the remaining mortgage, which I could afford, especially if I sell my house in Maryland. Well, I couldn't believe it! She only wants to be able to stay here until she dies, and she wants Annie to have a home until she gets old enough to go out on her own. She didn't ask TIM, she asked ME if I wanted to take it over omg, I could be the owner of our farm! I asked her about her nephews, and she said don't worry about them, she would deal with them. It's just a crazy notion that I never would have dreamed up on my own, that I could own the farm. Wow. Plus, if we had Ruth's side of the house, that would add another 1,000 SF of living space for us! And closets, which we dearly need. Ruth basically has an apartment set up and lives in one room of her house. She has everything she needs in there.
Never a dull moment around here. A farm down the road called us yesterday to ask if we had a ram missing! Nope not us. A ram showed up at their barn sniffing about their ewes. They don't even have a ram and I'm sure all her ewes are in heat, so he was having a good time, although I don't think he got into their pasture. Well, of course Tim jumped on that opportunity right away and said we would come and "take him off their hands and find the owner." I know exactly what he was thinking, if we couldn't locate the owner he would have a nice big ram to take to the livestock auction! Well, we went to go get the guy and he was a huge healthy, at least 200 pounds, what we thought was a Katahdin. We loaded him in the truck and brought him home and put hi in the stall with the pig. Taco has had quite a few visitors lately in his stall, lol. So Tim figured out which direction the pig had reportedly came form and made a phone call to some other lady he knew who had a farm with sheep. She wasn't missing a ram, but she said somebody had just stopped by inquiring if they had seem a Dorper ram. That was our guy. So Tim called THAT farm and sure enough, they were missing him. They came and picked him up and Tim lost his opportunity to capitalize on somebody else's loss.
So I went up to Bon's and we had a really nice time. I brought my felted ferrets and everybody loved them. We had a nice dinner and I showed them how to make a felted pumpkin. Even the guys were trying stabbing that felting needle into the pumpkin, and they liked it! But after that, the guys had to go outside and do something manly to make up for the felting experience. They decided to get up on a ladder and caulk around Bon's windows so she wouldn't get rain in during the hurricane. lol. We had a great dinner, then played with her real ferrets, and then I headed home.
I got home around 9 last night. I walk into the house and there is our "chicken-carrying box". It's dark inside of it so I can't see what's in there. I'm very curious as to why this would be in the house, and then I heard a rustling noise from within. Tim wouldn't have brought chickens in. Hmmmm. There are leaves and debris scattered about on the floor around the cage. Now what? I thought to myself. Tim came in with a big grin on his face. "Look what we got today honey!" He opened the door of the cage......
Tea Cup Piggies! OMG Two black cute little guys that were only about a foot long. SQUEALLLL!!!!!!! They are not very friendly, or at least not very accustomed to people yet, so they are too scared to hold. The lady he got them from said they will get friendly quickly though if we give them treats by hand. Wow I can't wait to play with these little guys and make them so they will sit on my lap. Tim wants to work with them and then sell them. He got them for practically nothing on CL, and has big plans to sell them for a bunch of money. Whatever, lol. I will enjoy having them around for a while and playing with them.
Today is our last day before the hurricane hits to get ready. Lots to do. I am so worried about the sheep and the shelters we made, and worried if they will be able to stand up to high winds. We will have to bring horses up too because undoubtedly the creek will flood so much down in the lower paddocks. We don't have room in the barn, so we will have to consolidate animals (eg. put the goats with the pig, etc.) and make do the best we can. I want to make sure we have plenty of water troughs filled up, and the bathtub filled up and have to get a propane tank for the grill...lots to do.