You know...if you need "temporary" shelter for one or two of these guys....*ahem* just let me know and I'll see if I can *ahem* sacrifice some space for them!
So back from the show and I can finally take a breathe! I can sit on my bum and do nothing tonight. Whew. Although I feel like felting, lol.
So, I did not sell the new Santa, but I sold my original Santa (the one with the walking stick) to my shepherd friend Irene. I also sold 2 of the 3 chicken ornaments, and my reindeer! Yay! That was pretty good. Everybody had beautiful wool products, roving, yarn, knitted socks and hats, gorgeous blankets, and pelts. Sales weren't great, but okay. Nobody really produces their own stuff, though. They all send out their wool to get made into stuff and I don't see how they make any money at it! But our booth looked fantastic, and the day was beautiful and warm, good thing because it was outside! And here I find out Coconut was a nut and was driving around looking for us and never found us. Boo! That would have been so cool to meet her!
So it's weird that in my Sheep Producer's group, none of the ladies do anything with their own wool. Like they don't spin or knit or anything. Then in my spinner's group barely anybody has sheep, but they are all very creative and do a lot with fiber! I am trying to do it all!
So tomorrow morning we are going to go get the new sheep! I can't wait to see them. And I already have a buyer lined up to come and cut some locks off my Lincolns to make Santa beards, ha ha!
Hopefully I can post pics tomorrow.
Nothing new to report on the pregnant goats, either
Bridge - it wasn't JUST me...I had the EVIL child with me too! she was the one who wanted to go! (She didn't want to go to the parade though.) We stopped and asked some poor lady about any "events" going on in town...she didn't know...drove around following the parade people in their personal cars. We drove all over Old Town know...where all the "beautiful and trendy" people are! Didn't even think to drive into the other part of town to look for you all!
Glad to hear you were able to sell some stuff. It's amazing how many people in the "fiber" industry don't do their own crafts! They don't process their own wool, craft with it, etc. They don't have the time. I think it's pretty cool if you have a hand in the whole process. Like I actually LIKE washing fleeces...thinking about what I'm going to do with the wool. I need more bobbins and more time! I can only fantasize about what I wanna do with Snuggles' fleece as I pet and stroke her, checking out the crimp, noticing how little lanolin she produces...what the actual color of it is...
It would've been fun to meet up, but I guess it'll have to happen another time. Thankfully it was a beautiful day...
Now remember...if you need *ahem* TEMPORARY housing for any of the newbies...just let me know...
My Dsister lives there on her beautiful plush farm!!! Well just outside of Leesburg!
I figure if I actually go to visit her, ever, I will have to stop in and see you Bridge and all your pretty animals and crafts. Then I'll skip on over to Coconut's place and see darlin Gus and that spoiled little woolie housepet!
BTW- When will you put up pics of your new Jacobs??? Oh yeah and lil lambies, put me on the wait list!
ok sorry to leave you hanging once again, I really didn't mean to do that!
SO, when we got there I couldn't believe how freaking cute they were even though they are a mess. The Jacob ewes (and I still don't know which one is a whether) are adorable. I'm sure they are related to my original Jacob Lily and Aidin, because they came from the same lady. Supposedly they are registered, but the guy said he didn't have any papers. I'm trying to track down something from the original breeder. She said one of the Jacob ewes has the best lambs, twins and triplets.
We literally had to drag them down the hill from their barn to the road where our horse trailer was parked. It was too rainy and muddy to try and drive up into the pasture (which was about one acre.) And I mean DRAG them. They all played dead. Dead. Dead as can be on the ground... wouldn't budge. The last one we had to roll onto a tarp and drag the sheep in the tarp down the hill. OMG it was terrible. BUt they are all situated now in a stall with lots of fresh hay and water.
AND, the Lincolns aren't Lincolns. They are part Romney, which is great! I wanted a Romney. I just didn't know I would be getting a GORILLA
I mean look at that poor sheep! She is one big giant felted ball all around her neck and head. Well, they all are. Their hooves are a mess and look like they've never been trimmed. They will need some cleaning up for sure! That wool is going to be cat bedding for a friend of mine who takes care of stray cats. It is so felted and matted, ugh. But under all that nasty wool are some cute sheep and I can't wait to introduce them to Uriah! Not sure what I am going to do with the Romney crosses. I suppose if they don't have horns I will put them with Dipsy, my Cormo ram, and his girls. I would imagine I will get some sweet chunky lambs from that combo!
Ok, so while I was out there I took a picture of Kiko Joe for StrawHat Here he is, and he's a sweet guy.