And a loom?! WOW! You must've been a REALLY good girl this year! I can't wait for all the woven goodies you'll create now!
Still snowing like mad out here...figures...I gotta get to the DR. I don't think the antibiotics fixed my ear infection OR my bronchitis! Still can't hear out of my left hear and STILL coughing! This is why you don't want to be allergic to penicillin!
I think I'll have to come up with some URGENT business out your way....
Thanks bon! Now we'll have to see how the roads are!
Bridge - my husband got stuck at the top of the hill by our house waiting for a tow truck to pull out the minivan that got stuck in the ditch back on Tuesday! I hope people are having better luck on your road today!
Oh man, 2 more goats were born, but not from the boer we thought! A different boer. Tim found them outside in the freezing rain.snow. Nice. Way to keep an eye on your goats there pal! So we brought them up with their mommy and have them under a heat lamp. I think they are warming up, drying off and they both have nursed.
So we ended up bringing the rest of the goats up to the barn, trying to figure out where to put everybody.
Oh wow! That's crazy! I'm sure the babies will be fine though. It's sleeting and snowing here still. It keeps switching back and forth. It was bad enough in Winchester that my Dr's office closed at 1PM!
We want more photos Bridge! You can NEVER share too many baby photos!
Oh wow what a day! So far it's 4 baby goats, but the day isn't over! There are 4 more goats that could give birth within the next few hours or days... Yet the NY trip is still on!
Today was the worst day with the sleet and ice and snow. Yuck! Moving goats around in the muddy slush, haying stalls, checking babies...I didn't get anything done today that I was supposed to get done in preparation for our trip.
hmmmm......maybe you should have that meltdown PRIOR to the NY trip! I'm surprised you're still going...with all the babies and the crazy weather. Well at least you can read up on your loom to distract yourself from all of the kidding craziness!