I wear sweatpants on the outside of my jeans when its really cold and that works great. I also use a Coverall Carhart for ground work if I don't plan on riding a horse, which is most the time in the winter.Bridgemoof said:Bon I was thinking about your fleece lined crabby pants when I was outside. I have my long undies on, but my legs were still a little cold.
Everybody was moved around again today. Was that today? Yes, I think it was. I don't even know who is where anymore. I do know the momma goats and the baby goats are in the big pasture out back, and my big sheep are all crammed into a small paddock and shed. The pregnant sheep are with them. The pregnant goats are in a horse stall. The Jacobs are still roaming the corridor. Uriahhas been such a brat I refuse to even go back there. I've been making Tim do it. Tim says "Uriah is NOT dangerous. You aren't hitting him hard enough. He's NOT going to hurt you. You are bigger than him. You're not even hitting him." I hit the brat like 20 times and he's still coming after me. I am his lunch.
I really wish Uriah would get Tim one time in a very sensitive spot.
But then again, Tim would probably kill him
Tim had Mikey, our boer buck, tied up working on his hooves and Uriah was pummeling poor Mikey. Tim thought it was FUNNY.
WE have this one Finn sheep, Soshy, who is such a runt. She is one of the big dollar registered Finns and it is an embarrassment. I believe she is the perpetrator of the lice problem, and I think it's made her anemic. The other day when we treated them, we sheared her half way, we also gave her a Vit B shot. She still has wool, but shorter. She has been pretty chilly with this cold snap. I ended up putting a blue suede vest on her with elastic bands I safety pinned around her legs.She looks so pathetic, in fact I think the other sheep have been picking on her and laughing at her.
Anyways, she has been cold and found a space UNDER the house to sleep. It's just a crawl space, and usually the dogs hang out there. Well, she has parked herself there and only comes out at feeding time. She is so lightweight even I could pick her up. I put a halter on her today and took her into the barnyard for a "walk" and to get some extra corn. I wanted to see if she was sick or just found a snuggly spot. I gave her leftover green beans we had last night, too.
She's like a little mangy dog, but she's ok.
Well at least I got my work done today. Whew! And I took an hour nap. And I made brownies. And I made meatloaf. Thanks for all the hugs and support you guys!