Yep, the kids are getting huge and "meaty" We took the staples out of the 2 kid's eyes today that had the inverted eyelid problem. One of the kid's one eye still looks a little funky. I'm not sure how the vision will be. But in about 3 months they will probably be shipped off to auction anyways. That's why I can't name them! Nope, not getting attached to those little buggers.
Also Tim decided it was a good time to trim #26's hooves. Oh my. She did not like it ONE BIT and I don't blame her because he had her leg up and it had to be terribly uncomfortable for her. Her udder is literally the size of a BASKETBALL, and that's not an exaggeration. I can't believe she has hung on as long as she has. So now we figure she must have been bred to Riccardo, not Mikey. But Riccardo was a big beefy good guy, too.
The little lambie was let out today with her mommy and she did great. She came out of her little stall and looked around and there were sheep all around her. She immediately got separated form her mommy, and only looked a little concerned. But her mommy is a great mommy and she hooked up with her little baby right away. I let all the sheep out of the barnyard area down to the back with the goats. Everybody was frolicking around so much! The Shetland sheep were just tearing around the pasture with Mac the ram lamb. They were sooo cute! Also, the newest sheep, which I've named Gingersnap, was stotting around, too. They had a great day, and they all came back up to the barnyard later in the day. That was a relief, as I didn't have to try and separate the goats from the sheep. Everybody just went back to their "feeding stations." Clementine is back in her lambing stall, and should be ready to go soon.
So now I'm working on my newsletter I am doing for the Sheep Producer's Association. So later gators!
Love the lamb, and #26 is going to have 3 thats why she is waiting, letting them get big and strong to be able to handle this world they are soon destined to join.
Oh Tim is SO ready to send her to freezer camp, but if she has trips or quads he might reconsider! I really hope that after all this wait, she has quads. That would be soooo fun! GUESS WHO will have a bottle baby?? Not ME! Coconut will!
Funny, I just read somewhere today that when a doe is close to delivering, you should check her in the morning, lunchtime and before you go to bed. You shouldn't check her in the middle of the night because it could throw her into labor 3 or 4 hours early. Well, pfffffft. Not true! We've been getting up every night in the middle of the night to check her and the pregnant ewes for a month now! I know you guys will be so anxious to see what happens when she finally delivers. I'm pretty curious by now, too.