I was a mess when my 2 yr old ewe Lily died and I'm sure I'll be a mess when Ciqala and Ali die Some of them are not just sheep...they have a way of digging into your heart with their little quirks.
To make a bad day better my English professor loved my research proposal and I won't have to resubmit it. I also got an A on my calculus test. For lunch I ate something that wasn't lquide based.....
It sounds like they are going to loose another ewe. Dos wont stand and when she does she just goes and lays back down. They won't tell me everything that's going on.
It so frustrating . I can't help and they won't let me come back. I have that stupid nagging voice in the back of my head that says that if I had been there none of this would have happened. Bertha would still be here and Dos would be taking care of her two little dumb ram lambs. Logically, I know this probably isn't true but I can't help it. I still feel they aren't getting the best care because I'mNOT THERE . Out of every one I know the most about illnesses and how to treat it and am the most willing to stay up all night.
He won't let me come back tomorrow because I have a Bio test on Monday.... Yeah, like I am going to get a ton of studying done now....To be honest I would probably get more done there where the unknown isn't lingering over my head like a giant anvil.
I am furious because he keeps saying everyone is fine until one is so un-fine that I HAVE to know about it....
Well, dos made it through the night and has moved around some, so that's good.
They've been bottle feeding Dos', an: berthas babies. Poor little Rosie resents all this compition. Aparently Billy, a bottle baby from two years ago, tried to steal the bottle from one of Dos's lambs. I am pretty sure a week old needs it more than she does.