They are just real slow. kind of doop dah doo babies. They're mommas keeping a good eye on them and keeps them tucked in really tight to her to stay warm. So, thats all good.
Eli had a busy day 145 days ago. Apparently three ewes lambed last night / this morning . I don't know how many lambs there are but apparently there was 4 in the house with a couple more out side.
There's some drama going on right now ( weak lamb) so that's all the info I have.
So the official count is 6 lambs this morning. One set of twins and one single and what is either a set of triplets or a set of twins and a single that lost its mom.
My sister apparently doesn't care what sexes they are because she didn't check .
Since everyone is now all nakey from being sheared they're having a hard time telling who is who.
Well we had our first lamb casualties of the year. Unfortunately two of those babies didn't make it. One was born out in the mud and momma either ditched it or lost it so it was never very strong and gave out that night. The other one had a bum foot and we think he got laid on since he wasn't quick enough to move out of the way.
Up side we still have four of them! And there are more ewes to go.....I really need to talk to the rams about getting their buisness done quicker than this. Lambing season has stretched out for forever! Off the top of my head there's 4-5 ewes that haven't gone yet.