Bruce's Journal

Sara Ranch

Loving the herd life
Jun 27, 2017
Reaction score
To all that have it worse than I do - hang in there! Stay warm!

I don't have heat, but there is a spare room here. It's 57 in the house - about as warm as it will get. But there's PLENTY to do outside. It's 40 outside - but you won't notice if you are moving around and working...

Hoping to have working heat in a few weeks. I ran the propane tank system for the radiant floor heating system for hours the other day. It raised the temp only 2 degrees. :confused: The plumber is still working to get things right. And he accidentally cut the line for the thermostat for the propane room heater. So no heat in THAT room! I have faith he will get it working.

But again, once outside working, coming inside feels great! And all that working outside generates body heat!


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Could you hook up a propane space heater to get some heat in the house?


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
That doesn't sound good Sara! Why didn't he fix the thermostat line he cut?

The worst prior storm was an ice storm pushing 20 years ago I think. I was cooking on a Coleman white gas stove out on the porch. But we were lucky, the power randomly went on for a couple of hours so the refrigerator kept things OK.

When the snow tires came off in the spring I noticed the inside sidewall on one looked bad. Planned to take it to Bill (my car repair guy 1 mile away) whenever. That turned out to be today since it is now November and the snow will happen eventually. Very good timing, we were talking about the power outage, his never went. He is about 1/4 mile up the main road from where our road comes off. He loaned me a generator. Said he has 2 and hasn't ever used them other than occasionally to make sure they were still running. What a guy! I went and got gas and set it up on the deck with 2 extension cords, one for the freezer, one for the refrigerator. I'd put 2 bags of ice in the refrigerator on Monday evening. 2 more yesterday plus 2 each in the freezer section and the 5 cu ft chest freezer. When I opened it after plugging it in the thermometer said 33° at the top :weee28 pounds of quality ground beef, which are way at the bottom, from my 2 meat vendors at the farmers market didn't go bad!! :bow

Contact through the day with DW, she called at 2 needing me to come swap. So down I went, timing was such that I was able to go back to the garage, get the car and meet them up top at the road level. DD2 wanted to go back to the grandparents since we had no power. DW came over after her appointment. I checked the power status at my in-laws, it said we were back up. Of course I had an email at 4:30 yesterday saying the same thing :confused: and it wasn't true. I finally got back home at 7 PM and indeed we DO have power :) Checked email messages a short time ago. Had 5 from the power company. First one telling that they were updating the "UP NO LATER THAN" times. Second one said we would be up by 11 PM 11/3. Next one said earlier in the day, next one said 10 PM tonight, next one (at 4:45) said it was up.

Sara Ranch

Loving the herd life
Jun 27, 2017
Reaction score
@Bruce - Thank goodness for good neighbor and the COLD to save your meat! Did they save your bacon too?

My plumber has tentatively scheduled to come out next week to fix the propane heater thermostat wire that he may have accidentally cut for the sunroom, as well as the propane heater for the main part of the house, as well as reconnect the wood broiler. Er, does that make sense?

I have two options for heating the main part of the house - wood burning and propane. Wood burning was disconnected while he was working on the propane. The propane didn’t appear (or feel) like it worked when the temps dropped. I have a sunroom that has a separate propane heater, separate thermostat. The plumber may have accidentally cut that wire to the thermostat. I know that heater no longer works. I don’t think we were speaking the same language….he kept asking me how many thermostats and I kept replying - two - one for the main house and one for the sunroom, but the sunroom has a separate thermostat. Oh well. He plans to come out next week. I am counting on a great visit that restores heating options for my house! And heat too.