Herd Master
Nothing every happens at a convenient time it seems....Congrats on still getting eggs....are ya freezing any this year?
No freezing this year because I got the 6 pullets. SHOULD have at least a couple dozen eggs a week. Would be NICE if the Exchequers had continued laying and if Betty would start though! Cassie, Veronica and now Trill are enough to keep us fed (as long as I don't make eggnog too often) but my "customers" like eggs too. MIL gets 6 a week so that doesn't leave much for customers at the moment.Nothing every happens at a convenient time it seems....Congrats on still getting eggs....are ya freezing any this year?
I am interested in the essential oil that might help relieve migraines.That's A Nice Sounding Barn! something that We do (My Brother has extreme migraines) is essential oils. The craziest thing is It Took it away in seconds! if you are instressted just tell me and I will give you a link to amazon for the product I hope this was helpful!
My older daughter (now 24+) missed so much school in 11th grade from migraines that she had to do 12th at home. She got a diploma but the last year was pass/fail rather than letter grades. Pretty hard for a kid who is way too hard on herself anyway thinking that 100% is ALMOST good enough. She has a lot of issues that trigger migraines, nothing has helped much in the last 10 years since her 24x7 migraine started. She is on Candesartan now which has helped stave off the "headache on top" episodics. She's taking a class at the local community college now to see if she can:A young college gal here at my church missed so much of her senior year in high school due to migraines, they feared she wouldn't graduate. She went to many doctors and tried several treatments. She got the little part of her ears pierced that stick out above the earlobe closest to the jaw, and somehow they mostly all stopped. Not sure abt seeing a guy piercing his ears, but if it would work...