Herd Master
10mph is a pretty good wind but manageable if humidity is high.
If you have snow on the ground or the nasty slop that follows a snow melt, you should be fine.
How long? Depends the wood type, moisture in the wood and density.
Dense damp wood will mostly slowly ember itself to death after the initial flames die down. I've had piles slowly smolder for weeks..even after heavy rains fell on the embered logs and heavy branches. . I just kept re-piling the remains till it all burned up.
If you have snow on the ground or the nasty slop that follows a snow melt, you should be fine.
How long? Depends the wood type, moisture in the wood and density.
Dense damp wood will mostly slowly ember itself to death after the initial flames die down. I've had piles slowly smolder for weeks..even after heavy rains fell on the embered logs and heavy branches. . I just kept re-piling the remains till it all burned up.